शोला Meaning in English
शोला शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : shola
, flame
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
लपटज्वाला फेंकने वाले
आग की लपटें फेंकने वाला यंत्र
शोला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The verandas of balusters are decorated with stone flames, while the staircase is enhanced by allegorical statues of stone, intermingled with vases and flames.
When the flame is red, it's warm weather ahead.
The American spelling of the word "Rumor" is due to the fact that Thompson took the title of his album from a posthumously published poem by Archibald MacLeish: "Rumor and sigh of unimagined seas/ Dim radiance of stars that never flamed.
The Prince, now free, inflames the masses, and the people riot.
Flames re-ignite, but a prayer by Zarastra moves the god Ahura Mazda to stop the flames so that the lovers may leave the temple.
Legend has it that if the candle stays aflame while passing beneath the bridge, one's wish will come true.
Antonia Santiago Amador (La Chana) as flamenco dancer.
At some point in this simmering phase, a deflagration flame front is born, powered by carbon fusion.
The elder De Mello was a karate master, flamenco guitarist, and former weightlifting champion, and he vigorously mentored Adragon from an early age.
Prominent Orthodox rabbis have pointed to many years of rabbinical sources that state that any coercion can invalidate a get except in the most extreme of cases, and have spoken out against "get organizations", which they claim have often inflamed situations that could have otherwise been resolved amicably.
The hydrogen is led over a platinum sponge catalyst, where it reacts with air oxygen, heats the catalyst and ignites from it, producing a gentle flame.
A student of Southern political history, he knew that racial resentment was easy to inflame.
“O, the fire that flames from inside the night.
शोला हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
हालांकि तपेदिक के फुफ्फुसीय स्वरूप को पैथोलोजी के रूप में 1689 में डॉ॰रिचर्ड मॉर्टन द्वारा स्थापित किया गया था, लेकिन अपने लक्षणों की विविधता के कारण टीबी को एकल रोग के रूप में 1820 तक नहीं पहचाना गया था और इसको 1839 में जे.एल.शोलाइन द्वारा ट्यूबरकलोसिस (तपेदिक) नाम दिया गया था।
प्रोविडेंस कॉलेज फॉर वुमेन, बंदिशोला स्प्रिंग फील्ड, कुन्नूर.।
वैकल्पिक रूप से, वहां एक और रास्ता है जो कुन्नूर को बंदिशोला और बेट्टाटी चौकी होते हुए कोटागिरी से जोड़ता है, यह रास्ता राज्य के प्रमुख मार्ग 15 (SH15) से मिलता है जो ऊटी से कोटागिरी की ओर जाती है।
शहर के पश्चिमी भाग में कई झीलें हैं, जिनमें से रेड हिल्स, शोलावरम और चेम्बरामबक्क्म से पेय जल की आपूर्ति होती है।
जीत ही लेंगे बाजी हम तुम... (शोला और शबनम)।
|1956 || एक शोला || ||।
१९९२ की रोमांस फिल्म शोला और शबनम में शरारती युवा एनसीसी कैडेट की भूमिका निभाने के बाद उन्हें १९९० के दशक में एक कॉमिक अभिनेता के रूप में पहचान मिली।
कर्नाटक राज्य सड़क परिवहन निगम की बसें नियमित रूप से बदामी, बैंगलोर, बेलगाम, हुबली और शोलापुर से बीजापुर के लिए चलती हैं।
अन्य फिल्में सरूप शोला और शबनम, एक नाटकीय फिल्म जिसमें भारती को निडर रास के भूमिका को दर्शाया।
राज्य के कासरगोड और शोलापुर जिलों पर तथा महाराष्ट्र के बेलगाम पर दावे के विवाद राज्यों के पुनर्संगठन काल से ही चले आ रहे हैं।
मट्टुपेट्टी के अंदर व आसपास के शोला वन ट्रैकिंग करने की सुविधा उपलब्ध कराता हैं।
|1961 || शोला और शबनम || ||।
पैदल यात्रा के तीन लोकप्रिय मार्ग हैं कोटागिरी - कोडानाड; कोटागिरी - सैंट कैथरीन फॉल्स और कोटागिरी - लांगवुड शोला. कोटागिरी - कोडानाड मार्ग आपको हरे-भरे सघन चाय बागानों और मनमोहक मोयर नदी के आकर्षक नजारों से होकर ले जाता है।
शोला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In 2021, he joined the cast of Bob Hearts Abishola as Abishola's Nigerian husband Tayo Adebambo.
The other major habitat type in the ecoregion is the shola-grassland complex, found at elevations of 1,900 to 2,220 m.
These shola forests are interspersed with montane grasslands, characterized by frost- and fire-resistant grass species like Chrysopogon zeylanicus, Cymbopogon flexuosus, Arundinella ciliata, Arundinella mesophylla, Arundinella tuberculata, Themeda tremula, and Sehima nervosum.
The rare and endemic Nilgiri tahr (Hemitragus hylocrius) is limited to a 400"nbsp;km band of shola-grassland mosaic, from the Nilgiri Hills in the north to the Ashambu Hills in the south.
Tinubu's tenure as Lagos State Governor ended on 29 May 2007, when his successor Babatunde Fashola of the Action Congress took office.
In April 2007, after the elections but before Babatunde Fashola had taken office, the Federal Government brought Tinubu before the Code of Conduct Bureau for trial over the alleged illegal operation of 16 separate foreign accounts.
Nonetheless, antecedents such as his overbearingness on successors such as in December 2009, when there were reports that Fashola and Tinubu had fallen out over the issue of Fashola's re-election in 2011, with Tinubu preferring the commissioner for environment, Muiz Banire.
And a similar scuffle in 2015, over Fashola's successor pitting Tinubu against him who threw his full weight behind Akinwunmi Ambode, who later succeeded Fashola and was himself single-handedly ousted from office by Tinubu replacing him with incumbent Babajide Sanwo-Olu, all goes to show his unprecedented influence in the city-state.
Professor Ishola Adamson acted as Vice-Chancellor from 1 September 2006 till 24 May 2007.
Nyctibatrachus sholai Radhakrishnan, Dinesh " Ravichandran, 2007.
The park is characterised by montane grasslands and shrublands interspersed with sholas in a high altitude area of high rainfall, near-freezing temperatures and high winds.
which would make any remaining sholas redundant forest resources.