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फोटोटाइप Meaning in English

फोटोटाइप शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : phototype

फोटोटाइप हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" वस्तुत: इसके पदार्पण से फोटोटाइपसेटिंग नामक प्रचलित तकनीक का अन्त हो गया।

जटिलता के इस स्तर के प्रबंधन के लिए, कई SDLC मॉडल बनाए जा चुके हैं: 'वाटरफॉल', $फाउनटेन$, $स्पाइरल$, $बिल्ड एंड फिक्स$, $रैपिड फोटोटाइपिंग$, $इनक्रिमेंटल$ और $सिनक्रोनाईज़ एवं स्टेबलाइज$.।

वस्तुत: इसके पदार्पण से फोटोटाइपसेटिंग नामक प्रचलित तकनीक का अन्त हो गया।

फोटोटाइप इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Many Bookman revivals appeared for phototypesetting systems in the 1960s and 1970s, often including an extensive repertoire of swash characters, meaning that the design is commonly associated with the graphic design of the period.

These large character repertoires took advantage of the new phototypesetting technology, which allowed characters to be stored on film or glass phototype master disks and printed at any desired size, rather than bulky metal type.

) Other designs along the same lines from around the same period included the Letraset face Compacta, Matthew Carter's slightly earlier masthead of Private Eye (which is caps-only but based on a never-released typeface with a lower case), and the phototypesetting Helvetica Compressed, also by Carter and released a few years later.

Released at the end of the age of metal type as phototypesetting gained popularity, it was one of Stephenson Blake's last typefaces released in metal.

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