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फस बसे Meaning in English

फस बसे शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : trapped

फस-बसे इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Also, if the inner core grows by precipitation of frozen particles falling onto its surface, then some liquid can also be trapped in the pore spaces.

" He is given a background common of protagonists in inspirational American stories; "he comes from a poor family; he does not know the identity of his father; he refuses to be trapped by fine clothing, social position, or wealth," and he has plenty of "heroic qualities" such as his intelligence, compassion, and clear observation.

At anthesis, both the style-end and the anthers are trapped within the limb, so that when the anthers release their pollen, the pollen adheres to the style-end.

The name comes from the way in which small insects are trapped by the sticky sap exuded onto the stem.

During the conflict, Randall received feedback from Captain Ingraham, who requested serrations on the spine to cut through the fuselage of downed aircraft to rescue trapped personnel and a hollow handle to allow storage of survival gear.

There was a fire followed by an explosion and 23 men lost their lives in attempting to rescue nine night shift workers trapped by the fire.

In addition, near the end of the film, there was an exclusive interview with Barry Jennings, an eyewitness who had been trapped in building 7, who claimed to have heard explosions and "stepped over bodies", and questioned why and how World Trade Center 7 was brought down.

EVE is a system that can run 64 serial ports at one time, taking messages for up to 10,000 accts and with only 1 pc strapped to it fax to 8 machines at one time while emailing, paging, and mirroring its scsi drives all while switching 255 live calls.

In an effort to learn more about the planet, Captain Kathryn Janeway orders the ship to move closer, but Voyager becomes trapped in orbit by the planet's magnetic field.

As Tom holds his wife, it is revealed that he is actually embracing Corbis, and his wife's soul has become trapped within a new Devil's Rain.

One member of the symbiote race had arrived on the Savage Land, where it remained trapped for years to the point of madness and bonded to Conan, during a confrontation between the Savage Avengers and Kulan Gath.

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