ट्रेप्स Meaning in English
ट्रेप्स शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : traps
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मानसिक आघात
आघात विज्ञान
ट्रेप्स हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" कार्दशियन ट्रेविस बार्कर की प्रसिद्ध वस्त्र श्रेणी स्टार्स एण्ड स्ट्रेप्स की भी मॉडल है।
हमारे मुंह में अनेक प्रकार के मौखिक जीवाणु पाये जाते हैं, लेकिन ऐसा माना जाता है कि उन जीवाणुओं की केवल कुछ विशिष्ट प्रजातियां ही दन्त-क्षय के लिये उत्तरदायी होती हैं, जिनमें स्ट्रेप्स्टोकॉकस म्युटान्स (Streptococcus mutans) और लैक्टोबैसिली (Lactobacilli) शामिल हैं।
कार्दशियन ट्रेविस बार्कर की प्रसिद्ध वस्त्र श्रेणी स्टार्स एण्ड स्ट्रेप्स की भी मॉडल है।
ट्रेप्स इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Achaemenid satraps of Caria Tripura National Volunteers (also Tribal National Volunteers or Tripura National Volunteer Force) was a Tripuri nationalist militant group in the Tripura region of India that launched an armed struggle in the early 1980s to separate Tripura from India.
Achaemenid satraps of Caria.
Unlike other rebellious satraps (Cyrus the Younger or Pissuthnes, for example) Hecatomnus was not a Persian of noble or royal blood and could not hope to win the allegiance of other Persian officials.
A pair of tassets to protect the upper thighs was often suspended from the bottom edge of the fauld by straps and buckles.
However, Xenoz traps him in ice then explains that Dev and Kyra are weak and cannot do anything.
In each level there are obstacles, deadly traps, hazards and creatures which can delay the player from completing the level.
Driving on his getaway, he and Eva fool the police by pulling a mirrored film across the road and using dummy decoys of himself; Eva is injured while helping him to set up the traps.
It also includes style-based fatalities for characters, and death traps.
In the game, players can knock their opponents into various deathtraps on the courses, like rolling pins, stones, crushers, slippery snow caves filled with stalagmites, and endless pits.
Spring-guns were formerly used as booby traps against poachers and trespassers.
Since 1827, spring-guns and all man-traps have been illegal in England.