ट्रैपर Meaning in English
ट्रैपर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : trapper
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ट्रैपर हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
अन्य सुविख्यात संगीत समूहों में शामिल हैं द डैंडी वॉरहोल्ड्स, एवरक्लियर, मॉडेस्ट माउस, पिंक मार्टिनी, स्लीटर-किन्नी, द शिन्स, ब्लिटज़ेन ट्रैपर, द डिसेम्बरीस्ट्स और स्वर्गीय इलियट स्मिथ का.।
"" अन्य आरंभकर्ताओं में ओल्ड 97'स, लीले लोवेट, स्टीव एअरले, अकंल टुपेलो, सोन वाल्ट, रयान एडम्स, माई मॉर्निंग जैकेट, ब्लित्जें ट्रैपर, ओर, द ह्वेल और ड्राइव बाई ट्रकर शामिल हैं।
अन्य आरंभकर्ताओं में ओल्ड 97'स, लीले लोवेट, स्टीव एअरले, अकंल टुपेलो, सोन वाल्ट, रयान एडम्स, माई मॉर्निंग जैकेट, ब्लित्जें ट्रैपर, ओर, द ह्वेल और ड्राइव बाई ट्रकर शामिल हैं।
'जिस टाइम' - जोनाथन राइस मेयर्स (क्रिस ट्रैपर द्वारा लिखित)।
""अन्य सुविख्यात संगीत समूहों में शामिल हैं द डैंडी वॉरहोल्ड्स, एवरक्लियर, मॉडेस्ट माउस, पिंक मार्टिनी, स्लीटर-किन्नी, द शिन्स, ब्लिटज़ेन ट्रैपर, द डिसेम्बरीस्ट्स और स्वर्गीय इलियट स्मिथ का.।
टीवी श्रृंखला डर्टी जॉब्स के प्रकरण 'लीच ट्रैपर' में $रॉकी$ (च स्टर्लिंग अगेंस्ट ऑल ऑड्स) प्रकाशित।
ट्रैपर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
She went to Bronte Public School and Randwick North High School and started her working life as a strapper in the thoroughbred horse racing industry.
On 15 August, dingo trapper Bruce Chapman arrived at Coniston and William George Murray sent Chapman, Paddy and Alex Wilson and three aboriginal trackers to the soak to find out what happened.
The park is known for buying and rescuing nuisance alligators from trappers that would otherwise be killed for their meat and skin.
The first European descendants migrating from the eastern United States arrived in the area around the 1820s; they were mainly explorers, trappers, and prospectors, and they founded many of the current towns around what later became the forest.
A 2010 study suggests that hunting in Burma by traditional bird trappers is a primary cause of the decline.
During the 17th and 18th centuries, French trappers named the river on which Erindale sits as "Rivière du Credit".
The neighborhood was named after Peter Chartier, a trapper of French and Native American parentage who established a trading post at the mouth of Chartiers Creek in 1743.
This would have been during the era of French fur trappers who traveled the region's rivers.
Wodonga Joseph Goff Gale (April 29, 1807 – December 13, 1881) was an American pioneer, trapper, entrepreneur, and politician who contributed to the early settlement of the Oregon Country.
From 1830 until 1839, the heyday of the Rocky Mountain fur trade, he was a well regarded trapper and an associate of western legends such as Ewing Young, Nathaniel Wyeth, Joe Meek, Jim Bridger, and Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce Indians.
Fur trapper and trader.
A year later, in July 1833, Gale was at the fur trapper's Rendezvous at Green River in present-day Wyoming, where he joined Joseph Walker's expedition to California.
With the collapse of the international market for beaver furs, the fur trappers had quit the business and were settling down in the Oregon Country.