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प्रवृत्ति होना Meaning in English

प्रवृत्ति होना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : tendency
, have a tendency

प्रवृत्ति-होना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Rak and Tuk - A father and son dwarf duo who are inept mercenaries and have a tendency to double-cross others on both sides.

But when the excessive risks show up in the short term, the investor might have a tendency to do the worst possible thing at the worst possible time (i.

Giles tells the three friends, "People have a tendency to rationalize what they can and forget what they can't.

7L V6 engines have a tendency to fail and potentially ruin the engine when they do.

They pose a problem of rabies, and when nursing young, have a tendency to attack.

The globes are surrounded by a wicker or wire protective mesh, as they have a tendency to explode.

Social scientists' anti-biology bias: Meehl argued that social scientists like psychologists, sociologists, and psychiatrists have a tendency to react negatively to biological contributors to abnormal behavior, and therefore tending to be anti-drug, anti-genetic, and anti-ECT.

Some strains have a tendency to form long filaments.

B-movie bad guys have a tendency to crow about their evil plans without checking to see if anyone is hiding nearby, and when the grieving Betty overhears his plans, Malgrove and his henchmen kidnap her.

Since workers cannot collectively signal that they would work for less in down times, wages have a tendency to stick upwards.

(d) to point out in good faith, in order to bring about their removal, any matters that are producing, or have a tendency to produce, feelings of ill-will or hostility between different classes of persons; or.

Consumers have a tendency to evaluate product attributes as opposed to a case by case assessment (Ainslie and Rosii, 2005).

VO languages have a tendency to favor the use of prepositions instead of postpositions, with only 42 using postpositions of the documented 498 VO languages.

प्रवृत्ति-होना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Mycert stated that "the crib is at most barbarous and unscientific because there is already a tendency to determine the blood to the brain in excited forms of insanity which is released by the horizontal position in the crib and struggles the patient.

In 2004 he sided with Morrison as the group split and became part of a tendency known as the Spearhead Support Group.

Bergman in 1997 proposed that the anisotropy was due to an observed tendency of iron crystals to grow faster when their crystallographic axes are aligned with the direction of the cooling heat flow.

That tendency comes from what is learned culturally about integration with the society.

Arena has been noted for its tendency to be unforgiving towards new players.

Secondly, Marx believes that after satisfying these basic needs people have the tendency to develop more "needs" or desires that they will work towards satisfying, hence, humans become stuck in a cycle of never ending wants which makes them strangers to each other.

Concerns remained regarding the tendency of officials to judge deprogramming as a family matter.

Since workers cannot collectively signal that they would work for less in down times, wages have a tendency to stick upwards.

This tendency to over-think and over-analyze means that Kyra sometimes lacks spontaneity.

Then followed The Nuptial Flight (Garzanti, Milan, 1992), where he took a closer look at pre-adolescent and adolescent crushes on film stars, and then at the general feminine tendency to seek out superior love objects.

A general tendency of this Constitution is that it attempts to establish a participatory as well as a representative democracy.

Fred has a tendency to get on Mr.

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