कठिनाई होना Meaning in English
कठिनाई होना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : difficulty
, have difficulty
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
हेव डाउनपर्याप्त समय होना
पीछे भी दो आँखें होना
मौज मनाना
मज़े करो
फल फूलना,मौज करना
के पास संसारे के सारे सुख होना
से ऊब चुका होना
ज़रूरत से ज्यादा होना
आशय होना
अन्तर्ज्ञान होना
ज्ञान होना
ज़्यादा लेना देना होना
गरम स्वभाव का होना
मृत्यु के समीप होना
कठिनाई-होना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The Cheese Board: Collective Works reports that, "The varying bread schedule is complex enough that even the workers have difficulty remembering it.
If it is a developmental disorder, the child will have difficulty acquiring new words and grammatical structures.
Chess computer programs have difficulty assessing "fortress" positions because the normal values for the pieces do not apply.
Smaller companies and makers of "niche" cameras who might otherwise have difficulty getting support from software companies frequently use DNG as their native raw image format.
Producers often have difficulty obtaining clearance for the many samples found throughout their work, and labels such as Stones Throw are fraught with legal problems.
Traditional phylogenetic techniques have difficulty establishing differences between genes that are similar because of lateral gene transfer and those that are similar because the organisms shared an ancestor.
A correlative disadvantage is that individuals with absolute pitch may have difficulty playing on such a piano because the pitches they actually hear do not match the notes they are playing on the keyboard when its correspondence between nominally played note and generated pitch is altered.
Junior doctors often lack bargaining power and have difficulty changing employers.
Most of these NGOs do not have adequate systems in place to raise awareness about their causes and consequently have difficulty raising funds to support these causes.
"[We] have difficulty accepting the kind of displacements that are neither subtle nor total: Cutting from a full-figure master shot, for instance, to a slightly tighter shot that frames the actors from the ankles up.
Sequential Tart's Margaret O'Connell comments on the reversal of the truism present in manga aimed at female readers that "Japanese men have difficulty expressing their emotions" through her comparison of Karin with Momoka in St.
Perinatal kittens with CH may have difficulty getting to the mom's nipples, competing with siblings, and problems suckling and/or swallowing.
While they have been observed on land, they have difficulty walking, exhibiting a penguin-like gait.
कठिनाई-होना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
It may initially cause no symptoms. बाद के चरणों में दिखने वाले लक्षण ये हैं- पेशाब करने में कष्ट या कठिनाई होना, मूत्र में रक्त आना, श्रोणि (pelvis) में दर्द आदि।
""उठने में कठिनाई होना।
कठिनाई-होना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Concordances have been compiled only for works of special importance, such as the Vedas, Bible, Qur'an or the works of Shakespeare, James Joyce or classical Latin and Greek authors, because of the time, difficulty, and expense involved in creating a concordance in the pre-computer era.
His courage was unimpeachable, and the temper which he showed in times of difficulty, won him both credit and popularity.
Outside of battles, Scars of the War also boasts a New Game + option as well as a Hard Mode difficulty setting.
At Antalo, Napier parleyed with Dajamach Kassai (later Emperor Yohannes IV), and won his support, which the British needed in their single-minded march to Magdala; without the help, or at least indifference, of the local peoples, the British Expedition would have had greater difficulty in reaching its goal deep within the Ethiopian highlands.
Holding his high office at a time of undoubted difficulty, he gave courageous and faithful leadership without losing his inherent patience and gentleness.
Both armies found difficulties campaigning in the northern mountainous highlands, and it took until 1855 before the Siamese finally reached Kengtung, though with great difficulty and the exhaustion of Siamese resources ultimately resulted in their retreat.
Twitch can be used to expand tactical options and play by testing the skill of the player in various areas (usually reflexive responses) and generally add difficulty (relating to the intensity of "twitching" required).
The most common symptoms include cough, fever, difficulty breathing, and sweating at night.
Prominent and nearly universal signs and symptoms include cough, fever, difficulty breathing, and night sweats.
Symptoms accumulate over several months and include fever, cough, difficulty breathing, wheezing, and weight loss.
Character actions are resolved by making dice rolls against a difficulty number.
To perform a standard difficulty action, the gamemaster calls for the player to roll the dice for a certain attribute or skill.