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आभास होना Meaning in English

आभास होना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : the sense of
, have an impression

आभास-होना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

छद्मभ्रमि (pseudovertigo) - रोगी के सिर के भीतर घूमने का आभास होना

"" जैसे-रस्सी में सर्प का आभास होना

शौच के बाद भी पेट साफ ना हेने का आभास होना

जैसे-रस्सी में सर्प का आभास होना

जिसमें शामिल है:- अधिकांश सतहों पर चढ़ने की क्षमता, अपने स्वयं के आविष्कार उपकरणों को कलाई पर पहनकर उपयोग करके मकड़ी के जाल को शूट करना जिसे वह 'वेब-शूटर' कहता है और अपने $स्पाइडर सेन्स$ से खतरों के आने से पहले आभास होना

आभास-होना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Therefore, while deciding the components of financial reporting, companies need to measure the sense of particular financial information and the expenditure of providing particular information and the benefits they can acquire from this particular information.

In 2011, Time Magazine listed the book among the 100 All-TIME non-fiction books indicating that its "impressionist approach deepens the sense of memories relived through prose that is gorgeous, rich and full".

Arguments against program expansion included concerns that the sense of tight-knit community would be lost; that larger classes would reduce the quality of education; and that it would place added pressure on professors.

Arts " Science students have consistently identified the sense of community as one of its main strengths.

Alienation in the sense of a lack of power has been technically defined by Seeman as "the expectancy or probability held by the individual that his own behaviour cannot determine the occurrence of the outcomes, or reinforcements, he seeks.

In the course of time the word bid in the sense of pray became obsolete and was confused with bid in the sense of command (from O.

Viewers should be non-experts in the sense of not being professionals in the field of video coding or related domains.

Using lower and upper Hausdorff uniformity we can also define the so-called upper and lower semicontinuous maps in the sense of Hausdorff (also known as metrically lower / upper semicontinuous maps).

Hotel buildings completed in 1971 Adult channels are channels that feature adult content, in the sense of erotica or pornography.

In 2017 he directed the musical Vuelvan Caras (Spanish for "About Face", in the sense of turning to face in another direction), is one of the Bolivarian Missions, a series of anti-poverty and social welfare programs implemented by Hugo Chávez, current President of Venezuela.

) Furthermore, Brothers keep alive the sense of authentic communion in our communities and our unity in diversity, which is expressed by their being consecrated laymen who live together with clerical confreres.

For a time Wagner and his wife Minna lived together in the Asyl (German for Asylum in the sense of "sanctuary"), a small cottage on the Wesendonck estate.

Incidentally, the name derives from a cliché of the period: its literal meaning is "New Times" (in the sense of "New Age"), used to signify Marxist Socialism.

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