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पटरा Meaning in English

पटरा शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : board
, harrow

पटरा इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

2017 will also bring dramatic offerings including, Steven, the biopic of Smiths frontman Morrissey and, "Street Survivors", the harrowing true story of the 1977 plane crash that forever changed southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd, co-written by Skynyrd drummer Artimus Pyle, one of the few members who survived the plane crash.

The two craft ride in together, and once into the atmosphere, XU-5 veers off while Cody manages to land Starflight after a harrowing steep descent through the upper atmosphere.

The film follows the stories of HIV positive Africans and activists as well as their careers, interspersed with the harrowing statistics of the AIDS epidemic in Africa.

This first rebellion in the community in a bid to redefine the local power structure failed to garner much because the poorer Chandals had to return to their previous employers after a few months, often agreeing to more harrowing work conditions.

The three granite harrows, originally lowered, are now broken into several pieces leaving the way open to visitors.

Mantegna presented both a harrowing study of a strongly foreshortened cadaver and an intensely poignant depiction of a biblical tragedy.

The result is harrowing in its simplicity and cumulative force.

Francis Coulson and Robert Lee developed and served the dish at their Sharrow Bay Country House Hotel in the Lake District, in North West England, in the 1970s.

"nbsp; After a few years here, during which he lodged at a cottage in Sharrow Vale close to The Works, he went into partnership with Mr.

It is the second book in The Stone Dance of the Chameleon trilogy, which concerns the harrowing experiences of the young and inexperienced heir to a ruling dynasty who is suddenly taken from his protected childhood and thrust into a cruel society where he must fight for his family honour, his position and his life.

The incident was filmed by an overhead British army helicopter and television news cameras; the images have been described by journalist Peter Taylor as some of the "most dramatic and harrowing" of the conflict in Northern Ireland.

To the south of this again is a group of small coastal hills around Cairnharrow just to the west of Gatehouse of Fleet.

पटरा हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

इन्हीं महलों में प्रवेश द्वार के अन्दर डोली महल से पहले एक भूल-भूलैया भी बनी है, जहाँ महाराजा अपनी रानियों और पटरानियों के संग हंसी-ठिठोली करते व आँख-मिचौनी का खेल खेला करते थे।

महल के इसी भाग में राजमाता एवं राजा की पटरानी जनानी ड्योढ़ी में रहती थीं।

ऋषिकाएँ मदालसा विश्वावसु गन्धर्वराज की पुत्री तथा ऋतुध्वज की पटरानी थी।

(क) महिषी (राजा के साथ अभिषिक्त पटरानी),।

माना जाता है कि जरासंध के पिता मगधनरेश बृहद्रथ थे और उनकी दो पटरानियां थी।

क्लेरिस मारी ग्रिमाल्डी रेनाल्डो, जेनोविया की पटरानी और मिया की दादीमां है।

२० दिनों बाद मैरी ने डौफिन से पेरिस में शादी कर ली और फ्रांसिस फ्रांस के राजा व स्कॉटलैंड के पटराजा (king consort) बन गये।

जब शकुनी छ्ल-कपट द्वारा द्यूतक्रीड़ा में युधिष्ठिर से सब कुछ जीत गया, तो पाण्डवों की पटरानी द्रौपदी को दुःशासन द्वारा घसीट कर राजसभा में लाया गया और कर्ण के उकसाने पर, दुर्योधन और उसके भाईयों ने द्रौपदी के वस्त्र हरण का प्रयास किया।

लंका की परम्परा में बिन्दुसार की सोलह पटरानियों और 101 पुत्रों का उल्लेख है।

राजा पटरानी के साथ झरोखे में बैठकर प्रजा को दर्शन देता है।

यह शब्द आमतौर पर 'स्टैफ' (सोंटा), $स्टेव$ (पटरा) या $स्टिक$ (छड़ी) के लिए इस्तेमाल होता था।

भीष्म महाराजा शान्तनु के पुत्र थे महाराज शांतनु की पटरानी और नदी गंगा की कोख से उत्पन्न हुए थे | उनका मूल नाम देवव्रत था।

उन्होंने प्रारंभिक शिक्षा सी सी स्कूल पटराटोली से की थी और माध्यमिक परीक्षा भिखमपुर मिडल स्कूल से पास की थी।

पटरा इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

A Scottish able seaman, Ayrton served as quartermaster on board the three-mast ship Britannia, under the command of Captain Harry Grant.

Its website states that "More than 10 million children have visited the ships and experienced the unique environment on board for themselves", that "Around 10,000 young people have been trained on board for future life and service", and that "Hundreds of tonnes of books have been donated".

" It is also maintained on the Gute Bücher für Alle site that "On average, one million visitors have been welcomed on board one of our ships every year! The floating book fair offers over 5,000 titles, providing many visitors their first-ever opportunity to purchase quality literature.

" The crew of the only vessel currently in use, the Logos Hope, reportedly numbers about 400 and includes members of 45 or more nationalities (as of mid-2012); the crew and staff typically volunteer in the organization and live on board for two years.

He has earned board certification in four medical fields: internal medicine, Cefotaxime is an antibiotic used to treat a number of bacterial infections.

It topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart for five weeks, and was ranked fourth on Billboard's Top 100 hits of 1992 list, becoming the biggest success of Williams' music career.

" Billboard described it as a "nicely orchestrated pop/soul ballad", noting that it "proves that she is possibly best suited to such soothing fare, as her crystalline voice is caressed by soft and wafting strings.

The single was Williams's third number one on the Soul singles chart and topped the US Billboard Hot 100 for five weeks in 1992.

"Save the Best for Last" was ranked fourth in the Billboard Top 100 hits of 1992, becoming the biggest success of Williams's music career.

!scope"row"|US Billboard Hot 100.

!scope"row"|US Hot R"B/Hip-Hop Songs (Billboard).

Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles.

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