दारुण Meaning in English
दारुण शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : terrible
, harsh
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
हर्षप्रधान नाटककड़ाके की धूप
सख़्ती से
कठोरता पूर्वक
कठोरतापूर्वक सादा
हरताल का
हरूफ की ढलाईना
फसल एकत्र करना
दारुण इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
This was an arduous task in Ithaca's harsh weather, considering the condition of the roads and the bulky Victorian dress of the time.
In truth, her brother, John, inherits the bad blood, but Anne tries to save her brother in hopes that he won't have to put up with the harsh treatment Patsy puts all her siblings.
Tamil translations and commentaries include those by Ramana Maharshi.
Robert Heilbroner wrote in 1964:"I suspect that in the future it will no longer be possible to qualify as a wholly serious thinker if one has not, to whatever small degree, made one's peace or accommodation with [his] harsh message.
The prisoners were forced to do hard work in a quarry, were treated harshly and the sick lacked medicine.
Seshadri Swamigal, who met her on her way to Bhagavan, responded to her thought, assuaging her in response to her silent prayer, "What's the difference, where you serve, here(Him) or there(Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi)?".
Similarly, a devotee of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi who took to narcotic substances in pursuit of spirituality, much against Bhagavan's advice, sought refuge with Seshadri Swamigal, who said "Well, I told you before itself, to avoid it.
"In both works, de Pougy vividly depicts the dangers, harassment, humiliation, and psychological damage endured by sex workers, an important but harsh reality never described by Zola and his coterie.
He created a brand new style in Turkish literature and brought new life to Turkish short story writing with his harsh but humanistic portrayals of labourers, fishermen, children, the unemployed, and the poor.
Benjamin had many political enemies and was the subject of a harsh caricature in Susanna Moodie's 1843 short story "Richard Redpath".
Nevo, propose that fossorial lifestyles could have occurred because aboveground climates were harsh.
The report described, and strongly criticized the use of harsh interrogation techniques against detainees.
The music was more clean and soft, "stripped of guitar harshness" but with a "near flawless execution" that "prompted many European critics to award Aégis perfect review scores".
दारुण हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
विरह की दारुणता से भी अधिक उसको खलता है प्रिय का 'चोरी-चोरी जाना'।
दूसरी ओर रॉबिंसन जेफर्स (ज. १८८७) है जो अपनी कविताओं में मनुष्य के प्रति आक्रोशपूर्ण घृणा और प्रकृति के दारुण दृश्यों से प्रेम के लिय प्रसिद्ध है।
'मां अष्टांगी, पिता निरंजन, वे जम दारुण वंशन अंजन।
बहिर्विवाह (एक्सोगेमी) शब्द को अंग्रेजी में सबसे पहले प्रचलित करनेवाले विद्वान् मैकलीनान ने यह कल्पना की थी कि आरंभिक योद्धा जातियों में बालिकावध की दारुण प्रथा प्रचलित होने के कारण विवाह योग्य स्त्रियों की संख्या कम हो गई और दूसरी जनजातियों की स्त्रियों को अपहरण करके लाने की पद्धति से बहिर्विवाह के नियम का श्रीगणेश हुआ।
""दारुण विप्लव-माझे तव शंखध्वनि बाजे।
पार्वती जी प्रेमवश व्याकुल हो गईं, उनके शरीर की सुध-बुध जाती रही, मानो वन में बढ़ती हुई कल्पता को विषम पाले ने मार दिया हो. फिर सखियों ने घर-घर जाकर सारे समाचार सुनाए और इस समाचार को सुनकर माता-पिता एवं घर के लोग दारुण दुःख में जलने लगे.।
सुधन्वा खण्डपरशुर्दारुणो द्रविणप्रदः।
इस बार उन्होंने प्राणायाम से श्वास रोक कर महादारुण तप किया।
"" बहिर्विवाह (एक्सोगेमी) शब्द को अंग्रेजी में सबसे पहले प्रचलित करनेवाले विद्वान् मैकलीनान ने यह कल्पना की थी कि आरंभिक योद्धा जातियों में बालिकावध की दारुण प्रथा प्रचलित होने के कारण विवाह योग्य स्त्रियों की संख्या कम हो गई और दूसरी जनजातियों की स्त्रियों को अपहरण करके लाने की पद्धति से बहिर्विवाह के नियम का श्रीगणेश हुआ।
दूसरी अवस्था में पेशियों में, विशेषकर कंठ की पेशियों में, ऐंठन होने लगती है, निगलने की क्रिया में काम आनेवाली तथा ग्रीवा की अन्य पेशियों में दारुण पीड़ायुक्त ऐंठन होती है।
यशोधरा का विरह अत्यंत दारुण है और सिद्धि मार्ग की बाधा समझी जाने का कारण तो उसके आत्मगौरव को बड़ी ठेस लगती है।
दिया शाप अत्यन्त निदारुण, लिया नहीं जीवन क्यों हर?।
कान्त पाहुन काम दारुण सघने खर शर हन्तिया ॥७॥।
दारुण इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
" Ian Jane of DVD Talk rated it 3/5 stars and wrote, "It's terrible, but somehow trance inducing in its own bizarre way.
However, after enduring a terrible run of five goalless losses, Lillestrøm decided to bring him back 29 September for the remainder of the 2011 season.
Of the rocket fire, Captain Hozier remarked "Many a charred mass and mangled heap showed how terrible was the havoc, how awful the death".
After the fiasco in Mexico, where he suffered a terrible accident on a horse, he and Thea began drifting apart; he spending his time playing cards and she hunting for snakes and lizards in the mountains.
For example, concentration camps and the water cure were explained in the press as "more terrible than they are.
The duo were the enfants terrible of their literary world.
Both Petković-Dis and Pandurović were considered the enfants terribles of their literary world (both being under the influence of Charles Baudelaire and other French Symbolists, like Šantić, Dučić, Rakić, Ćorović, and even Skerlić before he abandoned the movement).
The two men were very much aware of the danger to each other's survival; Petrosino carried a note describing Cascio Ferro as “a terrible criminal”, while Cascio Ferro had a photograph of the police officer.
It is terrible, and the show closes after one performance.
He realizes that his job is terrible, quits, and returns to Max ("We Can Do It" (reprise)).
At the auditions for the title role, Hitler, one terrible actor after another is rejected by Roger in summary fashion.
The website's critical consensus states, "War Photographer offers a breathtakingly intimate look at life on the front lines by distilling the horror and terrible beauty captured while paying testament to war's awful cost".
Joanna Russ praised the novel as "a passionate, fine, completely realized work," noting that Malzberg's repetitive use of particular words transformed them into "a kind of Greek chorus, a terrible, poignant insistence on something that is not quite in the story but yet comes through the story.