खौफ़नाक Meaning in English
खौफ़नाक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : creepy
, harrowing
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हैरी स्टैक सुलिवानहैरीस
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कड़ाके की धूप
सख़्ती से
कठोरता पूर्वक
कठोरतापूर्वक सादा
हरताल का
खौफ़नाक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
2017 will also bring dramatic offerings including, Steven, the biopic of Smiths frontman Morrissey and, "Street Survivors", the harrowing true story of the 1977 plane crash that forever changed southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd, co-written by Skynyrd drummer Artimus Pyle, one of the few members who survived the plane crash.
The two craft ride in together, and once into the atmosphere, XU-5 veers off while Cody manages to land Starflight after a harrowing steep descent through the upper atmosphere.
The film follows the stories of HIV positive Africans and activists as well as their careers, interspersed with the harrowing statistics of the AIDS epidemic in Africa.
This first rebellion in the community in a bid to redefine the local power structure failed to garner much because the poorer Chandals had to return to their previous employers after a few months, often agreeing to more harrowing work conditions.
Mantegna presented both a harrowing study of a strongly foreshortened cadaver and an intensely poignant depiction of a biblical tragedy.
The result is harrowing in its simplicity and cumulative force.
It is the second book in The Stone Dance of the Chameleon trilogy, which concerns the harrowing experiences of the young and inexperienced heir to a ruling dynasty who is suddenly taken from his protected childhood and thrust into a cruel society where he must fight for his family honour, his position and his life.
The incident was filmed by an overhead British army helicopter and television news cameras; the images have been described by journalist Peter Taylor as some of the "most dramatic and harrowing" of the conflict in Northern Ireland.
Critical reaction to Lazycame was mixed, but largely positive, with the NME describing the 1999 debut album as "a sometimes harrowing exercise in catharsis", and the 2000 EP Yawn as "easily the best thing William Reid has touched in years".
The opening segment ends when the general's AT-7, in the midst of the harrowingly described turbulence of a nighttime thunderstorm, barely avoids a mid-air collision with a B-26 bomber landing at Ocanara.
It bears some resemblance to Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game or Harry Potter, with each of these novels featuring harrowing situations thrust upon young protagonists in a school-like environment.
To this day, many truck and jeep drivers from Chitral's remote valleys have claimed to have see the halmasti running alongside side their vehicles at night, just before experiencing harrowing accidents.
खौफ़नाक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" उसे अंग्रेजी सरकार ने अपना सबसे बड़ा खौफ़नाक दुश्मन समझा।
खौफ़नाक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
With Artie Felson, he shouted his disgust at the "creepy" policy from the back of the room and arranged an impromptu meeting of the National Association of People With AIDS, where they decided to pay visit to Heckler at her office in Bethesda, Maryland.
Once you know the story (or any given interpretation of it anyway), the disc becomes so much more than an album of creepy music from the Danzig front man, but becomes the soundtrack to the birth of evil.
" Reviewer Jason Thompson intoned that while it may be "too mellow" for certain readers, he found praiseworthy its "very original vision, with a sort of 'flowing life' of its own, a biologist's precision mixed with creepy fairytales and a surreal, dreamy feel.
Generally, the only things he says are "Bueno" or "Excellente", often preceded by a creepy chuckle.
The Washington Post labelled Night Visions a "creepy relief from reality".
This unique combination of features landed him repeatedly in bizarre roles on both stage and screen, often as seedy, creepy villains.
Furthermore, according to Michael Chabon, Davis planned to write a second novel, either a historical novel about "early Jewish immigrants to the South" or a "creepy modern gothic".
An issue of creepy is visible on the second panel of the first page of The Immortal Hulk Issue 30.
The story was criticized by some but found to be mature and creepy by others.
The website's critical consensus reads, "A creepy French psychological thriller that commands the audience's attention throughout".
Scott wrote that while he could criticise it as a liberal exercise in inducing guilt, it was "hard to deny its creepy, insinuating power".
Jo Storm wrote that the "cleverly disguised action mini-arc" gives insight into the imperfection of the Asgard and that the "foreign, creepy" Replicators are "conquerors who make the Goa'uld look nice by comparison".