पंखों सहित Meaning in English
पंखों सहित शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : with wings
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शब्दाडंबर के साथतुम्हारे साथ
हट जाना
किसी मंडली से हटना
पैसा निकालना
जमा से अधिक रुपया निकालना
समर्थन वापस लेना
समर्थन वापसे लेना
अपना नाम वापस ल्ना
नाम वापस लेना
प्रत्याहार विधि
पैतृक धन की अप्रप्ति
लगाया गया पैसा वापस लेना
पूर्व आदेश को वापस लेना
वापस ले लिया
पंखों-सहित इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
They are horses which fly, some of which are equipped with wings.
(Analogous motto: "Don't teach a heavy bull how to fly with wings.
Adult male moths are reddish brown with wings.
Thus protected, they fly in a leisurely manner, gliding skilfully with wings held slightly above the horizontal.
A regular basker with wings spread wide open.
It often perches on edges of clearing with wings half open and has the habit of chasing away other butterflies and guarding its territory.
Their armor provides additional protection from most weaponry or energies and also comes complete with wings for self-propelled flight.
Yaket are bony with wings and fly in the air, while kobtiy are bony without wings and are terrestrial and of the forest.
While gliding it may fly with wings held quite far back and when descending to land below, it holds its wings along flat against its body.
On each edgy and round section there are columns of stars leading up to an angel's face with wings.
It was a fiery figure with wings, nailed to a cross of fire.
So the stage – complete with wings, curtains, and wind machines – was painstakingly copied and erected in the studios of the Swedish Film Institute".
"Jump fights" between males occasionally occur, consisting of birds facing off, then leaping at each other, pecking, clawing and beating each other with wings.