शब्दाडंबर के साथ Meaning in English
शब्दाडंबर के साथ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : with word
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
तुम्हारे साथहट जाना
किसी मंडली से हटना
पैसा निकालना
जमा से अधिक रुपया निकालना
समर्थन वापस लेना
समर्थन वापसे लेना
अपना नाम वापस ल्ना
नाम वापस लेना
प्रत्याहार विधि
पैतृक धन की अप्रप्ति
लगाया गया पैसा वापस लेना
पूर्व आदेश को वापस लेना
वापस ले लिया
वापस लिया हुआ
शब्दाडंबर-के-साथ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Glossa Ordinaria: They who stand against the Church oppose her in three ways; with hate, with words, and with bodily tortures.
Search engines such as PubMed search allow users to query literature databases with words or phrases present in document contents, metadata, or indices such as MeSH.
Pharmacy Records, a record label "Cheyenne" is a popular and sentimental song written in 1906, with words by Harry Williams and music by Egbert Van Alstyne.
In the 1980s the song was replaced with a completely new song, with words more in tune with the School's co-educational, lay-teacher status.
In the simpler version, young players connect letters with words on the game board.
Maṇḍana initially hurled insults at Shankara, who calmly replied to every insult with wordplay.
However, in this position it contrasts with words ending in vowels: 'spear' vs.
I create three-dimensionally what the writer accomplishes with words.
The work Ecclesiastes, or The Preacher (2011), densely filled with words from the Bible, demonstrates her patience and techniques as an artist.
The language of the songs are archaic and are replete with words of Tibeto-Burman origin.
Only seven percent of the emotional meaning is actually expressed with words.
" Robert Christgau wrote Welch "just doesn't have the voice, eye, or way with words to bring her simulation off.