नाभीय Meaning in English
नाभीय शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : navel
, focal
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
फोकल इंफेक्शनफोकल जब्ती
फोकल रूप से
फ़ोकस दूरी
पर केंद्रीत होना
चारे का चुक़ंदर
चारे केसेम
कोहरे से धुंधला होना
कुहरे से ढक जाना
नाभीय इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
It became a focal point of the United States invasion of Cuba in the Spanish–American War.
Circular Quay was the focal terminal point of most services to the eastern suburbs, and allowed easy transfer to ferries.
"Chicago was a focal point of the great migration and the racial violence that came in its wake.
The commission also facilitated the development of higher educational system in the country with main purpose of upgrading the universities and degree awarding institutes in the country to be focal point of the high learning of education, research and development.
The band, originally based in San Francisco, made the move to Los Angeles in 1976, and began putting on a series of self-promoted and self-financed concerts, providing a focal gathering point for many members of L.
Over forty types of epilepsy are recognized and these are divided into two main groups: focal seizures and generalized seizures.
The Milan Cathedral serves as a focal location in the film, and can also be viewed as symbolic of the miracle to which the film's title refers.
For many years, the focal point of the community included a yacht club, dance hall and general store.
If the focal length is in feet instead of metres, this approximation becomes.
These [camera]s were also exceptional in that all used a rotary shutter, rather than the traditional horizontally travelling focal-plane shutter commonly used in other SLR camera designs.
It is defined as the number of BrdU-incorporating cells relative to the volume of DNA staining determined from whole mount confocal analyses.
One has to understand that the image formed in the focal plane of a lens (or a mirror) is modelled through the Fresnel diffraction formalism.
This concentrates it into a small focal zone; it is similar in concept to focusing light through a magnifying glass.
नाभीय हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
यथार्थ मापन के लिये अभिद्दश्यक काच (object glass) के नाभीय समतल पर विषम संख्यक तारों की एक अंशांकित झॅझरी (grill) होती हैं, जिसका केंद्रीय तार याम्योतर में स्थिति होता हैं।
बल्थाज़र और रैनसन के एक्स-रे चित्रण संबंधी मापदंड के अनुसार, एक सामान्य अग्नाशय वाले मरीजों में, जिनमें विस्तार नाभीय या व्याप्त होता है, अग्नाशय के चारों ओर हल्का सूजन या तरल पदार्थ का एकल जमाव (अग्नाशय के चारों ओर तरल पदार्थों का जमाव) होता है, फोड़ा विकसित होने की 2% से कम संभावना होती है।
नाभि तथा केंद्र के बीच की दूरी c नाभीय दूरी कहलाती है।
परवलय की अक्ष पर, नाभि तथा शीर्ष के बीच की दूरी, 'नाभीय दूरी' कहलाती है।
नाभीय तल (focal plane) The plane perpendicular to the principal axis of a converging lens or mirror and containing the principal focus.।
इसकी स्थापना सन १९७४ में हुई जब भारत ने हसन्त बुद्ध (स्माइलिंग बुद्धा) नामक नाभीय परीक्षण किया।
(१) दीर्घवृत्त पर स्थित किसी भी बिंदु से उसकी नाभीय दूरियों का योगफल सदा दीर्घ अक्ष के बराबर रहता है तथा।
एक दीर्घवृत्त में दो नाभीयां होती है।
(1) नाभीय क्षय (Focal Necrosis),।
"" नाभि तथा केंद्र के बीच की दूरी c नाभीय दूरी कहलाती है।
भूकंप के नाभीय तंत्र से पता चला है कि यह मोटे तौर पर उत्तर-दक्षिण या पश्चिम-पूर्व में चल रहे प्लेटों के बीच संघर्ष का नतीजा था।
""(१) दीर्घवृत्त पर स्थित किसी भी बिंदु से उसकी नाभीय दूरियों का योगफल सदा दीर्घ अक्ष के बराबर रहता है तथा।
नाभीय दूरी / फोकस दूरी (focal length) The distance between the principal focus of a lens or mirror and its optical center or vertex.।
नाभीय इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Military intelligence A fuzzy navel is a mixed drink made from peach schnapps and orange juice.
The addition of another 1 or 1½ oz of vodka to the fuzzy navel creates a "hairy navel", the more "hair" referring to the increased strength of alcohol in the drink.
The prominence of mixed drinks incorporating schnapps during the 1980s, including the fuzzy navel, the Slippery Nipple, and the Teeny Weeny Woo Woo, was described by New York Times critic William Grimes as "a kind of cult, rallying points for young drinkers in search of fun and not too picky about taste".
"Fuzzy" in the name refers to the peach, and "navel" to the orange.
Fuzzy navel Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II) is a sodium-cooled fast reactor designed, built and operated by Argonne National Laboratory at the National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho.
Specially for her part in this movie, she did, however, have both nostrils, both eyebrows and her lower lip pierced, along with her navel and the cartilage of both ears.
Essential in this process is the "center of the body", which Luang Pu Sodh precisely describes as being at a point two finger widths above the navel of each person: whatever technique someone might use to meditate, the mind can only attain a higher level of insight through this center.
Cotten An umbilical hernia is a health condition where the abdominal wall behind the navel is damaged.
It may cause the navel to bulge outwards—the bulge consisting of abdominal fat from the greater omentum or occasionally parts of the small intestine.
Rodman's men spent three hours before finally finding and crossing Snavely's Ford two miles farther downstream at 1 p.
The 10th intercostal nerve terminates at the navel.
In 1494, Saint Francis of Paola, a [from Bonneville (; Bônavela) is a commune in the Haute-Savoie department in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in south-eastern France.