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चारे Meaning in English

चारे शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : feed
, fodder

चारे इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The comedy draws on Elton's typical fodder.

Many other families harvest plants such as the grass Phragmites and the waterlily-like Nymphoides from the lake for animal fodder.

Yet there is a darker undertow, an elegy for those who have no hope: for the Invisible People, fragments of human souls, digital fodder for virtual movies; for the self-immolation of the Gaian martyrs; and for the unsung queen of it all, Janelle Firdous.

The team officially formed on a permanent basis after Martel defeated both members of The Islanders (Haku and Tama) in separate singles matches in July 1987 (after the departure of his then tag team partner Tom Zenk from the WWF, with Zenk's departure worked into the feud and used as fodder by the Islanders to taunt Martel).

If they wished to remain in one place for any length of time, as was necessary to besiege a castle, then access to water transport was essential for supplies of food and fodder, and desirable for such items as siege equipment.

In India it is being promoted for both fodder and energy.

* Kharif crops: sorghum (jowar), millet (bajra), maize, mung bean, mash bean, fruits, onion, potato, vegetable, melon, chili, fodder, garlic and cotton.

The planting of fruit and nut trees on farmland aims to conserve the soil, supply food for humans and provide fodder for animals, the three "dimensions" of his system.

Grazing of livestock, collection of shrubs for fuel and winter fodder and rain-fed farming is still widely practiced within the park boundary.

Whenever possible, crops would be destroyed and livestock removed from the path of the enemy's advance, denying him fresh supplies and fodder for the heavy war horses.

The prize was given "for his research and inventions in agricultural and nutrition chemistry, especially for his fodder preservation method".

He suggested further that a huge percentage of the region's major foodstuffs and sources of livelihood, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, fodder and a small but not insignificant amount of the cereals, were devoured by the locusts.

चारे हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

ये कोई परीकथा नहीं हैं मेरे प्यारे कोव्पर, बल्कि इस बेचारे, अंधकारपूर्ण असभ्य देश के केंद्र की एक वीभत्स वास्तविकता है।

अपितु लोग समभाव एवं भाईचारे का प्रतीक चिह्न हैं।

तब मुहम्मद ने प्रवासियों और समर्थकों के बीच भाईचारे की स्थापना की और उन्होंने अली रजी. को अपने भाई के रूप में चुना।

अंधकार पर प्रकाश की विजय का यह पर्व समाज में उल्लास, भाई-चारे व प्रेम का संदेश फैलाता है।

रावण मन में डर गया और बाद आता हूँ कहकर भाग निकला, वापस नहीं आया. रावण ने सभी देवताओं, यक्ष, किन्नर, गंधर्व आदि को युद्द में परास्त करके राक्षसों को अभय कर दिया और मानवों को वो पहले से ही सोचता था कि, वो क्या लडगें बेचारे सीधे साधे लोग है इसलिये पृथ्वी के अन्य भू भागों पर उसके राक्षस अपनी चला ही रहे थे.।

""बेचारे संतोष जी बिना किसी लाग लपेट वाले मस्त फकीर उन्हें दुनिया की चालबाजी से मतलब नहीं है।

चट्टानी नमक दवाइयां और पशु चारे के काम में प्रयुक्त होता है।

आचिनोति च शास्त्राणि आचारे स्थापयत्यपि।

"" तत्पूर्वागंत्वेन निर्विघ्नतापूर्वक कार्य सिद्धयर्थं यथामिलितोपचारे गणपति पूजनं करिष्ये।

पीलीभीत में न्योरिया हुसैनपुर नाम का सुंदर नगर है पीलीभीत मे कुतुब शौकत मियां हुज़ूर का जहानाबाद के नाम से एक बड़ा खुशहाल नगर है यह हिन्दू मुस्लिम बहुत भाईचारे भाइचारे के साथ रहते है।

परंपरागत हरे चारे में प्रोटीन 10.7 फीसदी होती है जबकि हाइड्रोपोनिक्स हरे चारे में प्रोटीन 13.6 प्रतिशत होती है।

समाज में भाईचारे की भावना पैदाकर मुलायम सिंह यादव का लोगों को न्‍याय दिलाने में विशेष योगदान है।

"" पशुओ को जब पुरुष सदस्य चराकर घर ले आता हैं तो उन्हें पानी पिलाना हो, सांधी करना हो(पशुओ के चारे में दूसरे पौष्टिक आहार मिलाना जैसे की खळ ), दूध निकालना हो जैसे कार्य भी महिलाओ के ही भरोसे हैं।

चारे इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

It is relatively safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

I cannot find any great difference between feeding on human flesh and feeding on animal flesh, except custom and practice.

The Vetulicola are thought to have been swimmers that were either filter feeders or detritivores.

Around 1580 the only mineral spring on the Alb plateau was discovered in the center of Kleinengstingen and feeds the Sauerbrunnen (acidic well).

Take external stakeholder engagement into consideration: the impact and valuable feedback you can acquire from stakeholders;.

Seek stakeholder feedback .

Acquired feedback form stakeholders;.

A key element of the ShKAS' high rate of fire is the revolving drum (feed cage) that holds ten rounds and provides a very smooth, progressive removal of the cartridges from their disintegrating link belt.

A declassified US analysis of the feed system, based on models captured during the Korean War, reads:.

Hogg called the ShKAS feeding system a "[wheel|squirrel cage]".

Some military historians believe the feed system of the Mauser 213C (the seminal revolver cannon for Western designs) was inspired by the ShKAS.

The distribution system included 110 regional feed mills, 26 warehouses, and 7 research farms.

Twitch gameplay keeps players actively engaged with quick feedback to their actions, as opposed to turn-based gaming that involves waiting for the outcome of a chosen course of action.

The "bird-cage" feed system in the 20"nbsp;mm ShVAK was an improved version of the ShKAS.

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