चाराबांक Meaning in English
चाराबांक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : fodder
, fodder bank
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चाराबांक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The grounds included stables, fodder store, a horse driven mill, a tack room for keeping carriages and later motor cars and tennis courts and bowling green.
saligna (coojong), are economically important and are widely planted globally for wood products, tannin, firewood and fodder.
The attractive and dense wood from the tree is used to make specialty furniture while the foliage is used by grazing stock as fodder.
The leaves of the tamarind plant are high in calcium and protein and have been consumed by domestic animals and wild animals, including elephants, as a fodder.
Grazing of livestock, collection of shrubs for fuel and winter fodder and rain-fed farming is still widely practiced within the park boundary.
The team officially formed on a permanent basis after Martel defeated both members of The Islanders (Haku and Tama) in separate singles matches in July 1987 (after the departure of his then tag team partner Tom Zenk from the WWF, with Zenk's departure worked into the feud and used as fodder by the Islanders to taunt Martel).
Many other families harvest plants such as the grass Phragmites and the waterlily-like Nymphoides from the lake for animal fodder.
Ships with fully depleted supply stores are completely ineffective except as cannon fodder until they return to a supply base for resupply.
When John Poole, abbot of the mother house of Halesowen Abbey inspected Titchfield in summer 1420 he found the coffers empty, the abbey's accounts deeply in the red and the barns and storehouses nearly empty of food and fodder.
The incident caused great consternation and anger throughout much of England and provided fodder for the vitriolic patriots on both sides of the border.
Pando's first task was to pacify the country in the wake of the bloody 1899 Revolution, which included the repression of the indigenous rural populations of La Paz and Oruro that had been previously mobilized to fight alongside the Liberal forces, essentially as useful cannon fodder.
When Aries asks if he wants the best and brightest or red shirts, Scorpio states cannon fodder will suffice and that if they want results, they cannot care about the risks.