<< उदारता,दानशीलता,सहायता दरियादिली से >>

दानशीलता से Meaning in English

दानशीलता से शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : charitablely
, generously

दानशीलता-से इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

They contributed to many charitable institutions in the host country, but did not forget their homeland; for example, in 1701 when collections were made for the restoration fund of the Marischal College, Aberdeen, Scottish settlers in Poland gave generously.

In Pittsburgh, Edgar Kaufmann generously financed the Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera Company, and donated US'1.

A fourth Thomas Colville generously allowed John, the Prior of Newburgh, to live “by suit of court” in his manor house at Oulston.

He gave generously to Dr.

In Gibbon's words:Ali generously proposed to save the blood of the Muslims by a single combat; but his trembling rival declined the challenge as a sentence of inevitable death.

A "Community Club" was generously supported by the company, so residents were regularly treated to movies and social gatherings.

Many Puerto Rican rice dishes are generously seasoned with sofrito, a sauce commonly used in arroz con pollo.

His houses are generously sized and are stylistically distinctive as a group.

Rio Tinto very generously made '25,000 available to assist with a sponsorship search and provided two weekends of professional seminars in which Council members and past students were given advice into how to find sponsors.

He has generously consented to address you.

When Huang Quan met the Wei emperor Cao Pi, the latter asked: "Are you trying to emulate Chen Ping and Han Xin when you abandoned the villains and agreed to serve me?" Huang Quan replied: "Lord Liu treated me generously so I won't surrender to Sun Quan.

Before long all the nobles and men-at-arms that fought by Henry and were captured by the mercenary armies of the Black Prince would pay their ransom and return to face Peter the Cruel being generously rewarded at the end of the war.

Artabazos was at first supported by Chares, an Athenian general, and his mercenaries, whom he rewarded very generously.

दानशीलता-से हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""बेटियाँ तो हंस की दानशीलता से संतुष्ट थी मगर उसकी पत्नी बड़ी ही लोभी प्रवृत्ति की थी।

वीरभानु पराक्रम, उदारता एवं दानशीलता से अर्जित यश के पश्चात् अन्तिमवय में प्रयागवासी बन गया था।

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