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जेनेटिक कोड Meaning in English

जेनेटिक कोड शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : genetic Code
, genetic code

जेनेटिक-कोड इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

His aphorism was sufficiently widespread that in 1961 François Jacob and Jacques Monod paraphrased it, without mentioning Kluyver, as "that old axiom 'what is true for bacteria is also true for elephants'" to justify the genetic code's universality.

Standard genetic code .

Despite the redundancy in the genetic code, there is a possibility that this mutation will then change the amino acid that is produced during translation, and as a consequence the structure of the protein will be changed.

The 20 amino acids translated by the genetic code vary greatly by the physical and chemical properties of their side chains.

He even declared that it could not store the genetic code because it was chemically far too simple.

He is perhaps best known for his early work with Marshall Nirenberg in the elucidation of the genetic code and the Nirenberg and Leder experiment.

A controversy arose in 1997 when environmentalist Vandana Shiva alleged that a Scottish company, The Roslin Institute was trying to patent the cow's genetic code.

Each PAM matrix has twenty rows and twenty columns — one representing each of the twenty amino acids translated by the genetic code.

The Earth was selected as a new home for the exotics because the Earth and its primitive Pliocene hominids were the most compatible to the Tanu/Firvulag genetic code.

In this case there is a non-reciprocal exchange of genetic code between the chromosomes, in contrast to chromosomal crossover, because genetic information is lost.

They empower a host's natural abilities to the point where they far exceed that of normal members of the host's species as well as recording the genetic material of each of its hosts in a genetic codex.

In the 2017 film Logan, a child named Bobby (portrayed by Bryant Tardy) is created by Transigen and has the powers of Chris Bradley because he is based on Bradley's genetic code.

According to the subtitle the purpose of the book is to crack the genetic code of the Hebrew Bible, or more specifically to address questions regarding the genesis of the Jewish people, the root of its belief system, and how its laws and traditions originated.

जेनेटिक-कोड हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

किसी भी स्थिति में, किसी न किसी बिंदु पर प्रतिलिपिकार का कार्य डीएनए (DNA) ने अपने हाथों में ले लिया; सभी ज्ञात जीव (कुछ विषाणुओं व सूक्ष्म जीवाणुओं के अलावा) लगभग एक समान तरीके से अपने प्रतिलिपिकार के रूप में डीएनए (DNA) का प्रयोग करते हैं (जेनेटिक कोड देखें).।

यह देखकर कि क्रिप्टन शीघ्र ही बर्बाद होने वाला है, जोर-एल ने जेनेटिक कोडेक्स को चुरा लिया और अपने शिशु पुत्र काल-एल के डीएनए में उन्हें डाल दिया, जो कई सदियों में पहला प्राकृतिक रूप से पैदा हुआ क्रिप्टोनियन बच्चा था।

""सन्‌ १९६९ ई. में डॉ॰ हरगोविंद खुराना ने आनुवंशिक संकेत (जेनेटिक कोड) सिद्धांत का प्रतिपादन करके नोबेल पुरस्कार प्राप्त किया जिसके अनुसार व्यक्ति का आचरण उसके जीन समूह की बनावट पर निर्भर करता है और जीन समूह की बनावट वंशपरंपरा के आधार पर होती है।

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