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घोर अपराध Meaning in English

घोर अपराध शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : gross crime
, heinous crime

घोर-अपराध इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Vishnu told the story of how he had committed a heinous crime by unwittingly killing Sudarshan's father while hunting in the forest.

In order to maintain their trust, he must commit ever more dangerous and heinous crimes and must question how far he can go beyond the law.

To cover up his own misdeeds, his abominably corrupt religious superior leading a double life seizes the ensuing chaos and collaborates with human rights violators in military uniform to accuse the completely innocent friar of a fabricated heinous crime.

The location used to shoot the scene of the heinous crime was filmed at the Eastlakes Shopping Centre in Eastlakes, another eastern suburb.

Amenpnufer himself would have been sentenced to death by impalement, a punishment which "was reserved for [only] the most heinous crimes" in Ancient Egypt.

" It is considered to be such a heinous crime because victims are attacked in a very personal manner and because physical force or deception can be utilized.

The heinous crime aroused the emotion of citizens throughout the region.

Furthermore, rape is a heinous crime: "A rapist not only violates a victim's privacy and personal integrity, but inevitably causes serious psychological as well as physical harm in the process.

Murdering a police officer was a heinous crime and public opinion, inflamed by newspaper reports, was strongly in favour of his execution.

This power trip gets Brett and his brothers united in rage against their girlfriends and mother, and they are involved in a heinous crime.

Capital punishment, although widespread, was not given to the royal Kshatriya sub-castes or to Brahmins found guilty of heinous crimes (as the killing of a Brahmin in medieval Hindu India was itself considered a heinous crime).

After the trial, jurors took 40 minutes to determine that the Papin sisters were indeed guilty of the heinous crime of which they had been accused.

घोर-अपराध हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

शरीर में मुनियों के समान वल्कल वस्त्र एवं हाथ मे विशाल धनुष धारण करते हुए, बाणों से शत्रु के शरीर को विदीर्ण करने की इच्छा से दोनों पैरों को फैलाकर एवं गोलाई बनाकर, हृदय में रावण के द्वारा किये गए सीता हरण के घोर अपराध का चिन्तन करते हुए प्रभु राघव प्रचण्ड तांडवीय स्वरूप धारण करके राक्षसगण को विदीर्ण कर रहे हैं।

राष्ट्रपति पर महाभियोग देशद्रोह, भष्टाचार या किसी घोर अपराध पर ही लगाया जा सकता है।

बसरा में, जो उस समय विद्याभ्यास तथा पांडित्य का एक विशिष्ट केंद्र था, एक दिन उस युग के महान्‌ विद्वान्‌ इमाम हसन बसरी एक मस्जिद में विद्यादान कर रहे थे कि उनसे किसी ने पूछा कि वह व्यक्ति (उमयया शासकों की ओर संकेत था), जो घोर अपराध करे, मुस्लिम है अथवा नास्तिक।

"" यह राजा श्राप देने योग्य नहीं था पर तूने उसे श्राप दे कर घोर अपराध किया है।

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