लावारिस Meaning in English
लावारिस शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : unclaimed
, heirle
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
हेकड़ी से
हैंकी पनकी
लावारिस इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In 1423, Margrave Frederick IV was assigned the heirless Duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg, formerly held by the House of Ascania, by Emperor Sigismund in turn for his support against the Hussites.
The line of Johann Georg I ruled Saxe-Eisenach for 69 years, until Duke Wilhelm Heinrich died heirless in 1741.
After the disaster of the Battle of Ksar El Kebir, where heirless King Sebastian of Portugal died, the aged Cardinal Henry of Portugal had become King.
Their son inherited the manor, but he died heirless and the manor was passed to his nephew Charles Wyndham, 2nd Earl of Egremont.
As Domhnall was heirless, the deal ensured that the Mormaerdom would pass to the Stewarts upon Donnchadh's death.
Nagpur Province was formed after the death of the heirless Maharaja Raghoji III in 1853.
John Casimir (died heirless 1633), the older son of John Frederick II, and John Ernest (died heirless 1638), the younger son of John Frederick II, received together the territory of Saxe-Coburg-Eisenach, but were appointed a legal guardian because they were minors.
Nevertheless, he himself also died heirless in 1638, and his territories were split between Saxe-Weimar and Saxe-Altenburg, which had itself been separated from Saxe-Weimar in 1603.
When he grew old, he became concerned that he would die heirless.
When John Frederick III of Gotha died unmarried and heirless in 1565, John William of Weimar tried to claim succession to Saxe-Gotha, but the sons of the imprisoned John Frederick II entered their own claim.
लावारिस हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
अनाथ- तीम, लावारिस, बेसहारा, अनाश्रित।
उन्होंने हावड़ा ब्रिज (१९५८), दस लाख (१९६६), प्यार किये जा (१९६६), पड़ोसन (१९६८), बुड्ढा मिल गया (1971 फ़िल्म) चुपके चुपके (१९७५), नमक हलाल (१९८२), गोल माल (१९७९), चमेली की शादी (१९८६), शराबी (१९८४) और लावारिस (१९८१) सहित अनेकों सफल फ़िल्मों में अभिनय किया।
इस युग की दूसरी फ़िल्मों में राम बलराम (१९८०), शान (१९८०), लावारिस (१९८१) और शक्ति (१९८२) जैसी फिल्में शामिल थीं, जिन्होंने दिलीप कुमार जैसे अभिनेता से इनकी तुलना की जाने लगी थी।
संदर्भ निष्कासित ग्रह या दुष्ट ग्रह (Rogue Planet) जिन्हें लावारिस ग्रह या अनाथ ग्रह भी कहा जाता है, ऐसे ग्रह के आकार की वस्तुएँ होती हैं जो अपने सौर मंडल से बाहर निकलकर अब किसी भी तारे या अन्य चीज़ के गुरुत्वाकर्षण से परे हैं और अब सीधा आकाशगंगा की परिक्रामा करती हैं।
"" पर चिकना की हत्या से पूर्व शंकर को यह मालूम हो जाता है कि रास्ते में मिली वो लावारिस नवजात भी बुल्ला की अवैध संतान है।
वह उसे छोड़कर चला जाता है और आवारा घुमक्कड़ों को एक लावारिस मोटरगाड़ी पर चढ़ा देता है जिसपर लिखा है 'हैटफिल्ड ऐंड द नॉर्थ'. अंतिम पैनेल से पता चलता है कि लावारिस मोटरगाड़ी तक फिंच पैदल चलकर जाता है, जब स्ट्रीट की सारी बत्तियां गुल हो जाती हैं।
|1999 || लावारिस || ||।
ला - बिना, नहीं - लापता लाजबाब लावारिस लापरवाह लाइलाज लामानी लाइल्म लाज़वाल।
उनके कुछ बेहतरीन फ़िल्मों में 'डॉन', $बैराग$, $सरस्वतीचंद्र$, $क़ुर्बानी$, $मुक़द्दर का सिकंदर$, $लावारिस$, $त्रिदेव$ और $सफ़र$ आदि हैं।
शहर-ए-नापुरसाँ (, Shahr-i-Napursan, अर्थ: 'न पूछे जाने वाला शहर', 'वह शहर जिसे कोई पूछता न हो', 'लावारिस शहर') - इस स्थल को मीर ज़ियारत ढेरी भी कहा जाता है क्योंकि यहाँ एक छोटी सी ज़ियारत भी है।
""अनाथ- तीम, लावारिस, बेसहारा, अनाश्रित।
उन्होंने धरम वीर (1977), छलिया बाबू (1977), द ग्रेट गैम्बलर (1979), कुर्बानी (1980), अलीबाबा और चालीस चोर, दोस्ताना (1980) और लावारिस (1981) जैसी हिट फिल्मों में अभिनय करना जारी रखा।
यह दुर्भाग्य और शर्म की बात है कि किशोर कुमार द्वारा बनाई गई कई फ़िल्में आयकर विभाग ने ज़ब्त कर रखी है और लावारिस स्थिति में वहाँ अपनी दुर्दशा पर आँसू बहा रही है।
लावारिस इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
After this, the two powers will normally maneuver for the support of the unclaimed areas.
In 2007, the cremated remains of over 1700 unclaimed bodies were buried in the cemetery.
Asaph in October and triggered emigration to Kentucky as people wished to either certify their claims or seek unclaimed land.
Due to the flaw, several choice acres of land in the northern part of Frankfort remained unclaimed, and Marshall quickly entered claims for them at the land office.
The prize went unclaimed for almost six months but was finally claimed anonymously just seven days before it was set to be transferred to the Victorian State Revenue Office.
That team may claim as many as it wishes but must leave at least one pyramid unclaimed.
Spensieri returned to his law practice after leaving the legislature but sought permission to resign from the Law Society of Upper Canada in 1989, after losing count of two million dollars' worth of unclaimed moneys.
As many as fifteen were built, the last few of which, unclaimed by De Tomaso, were scrapped by the coachbuilder.
His body was unclaimed for a time but the Spanish Consulate in New York finally buried him.
28% of lottery revenue goes towards the fund, along with all unclaimed prizes.
Still interested in setting foot in Africa, he and fellow Bremen merchant (1862-1914) decided to found a German colony in South West Africa, then still unclaimed by any colonial power.
The first murder was discovered on 17 June 1934, when an unclaimed plywood trunk was noticed by William Joseph Vinnicombe at the left luggage office of Brighton railway station as he investigated a smell.
If that happened, the solution was given and a new round of play began with the unclaimed bank from the previous Super Catch Phrase carrying over.