गोला Meaning in English
गोला शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sphere
, globe
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
ग्लोब ट्रॉटरग्लोबिंग
उदासी छाना
उदास होकर
मायूसी से
उदास से
विषादपूर्ण ढंग से
गोला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Besides the terrestrial television and radio, the CBC operates a wireless Cable TV subscription service called Multi-Choice TV (MCTV) which offers many television stations from around the globe, including the United States, Canada, Europe, the Caribbean, and Latin America.
Working with the Newman's Own Foundation and the Center for Plant Conservation, the Plantations are trying to restore the regional population of the American globeflower (Trollius laxus).
Recently, it has been named as the most visited place in the district by tourists from all over the globe.
Because of the general illiteracy of the populace, early store owners used descriptive emblems or figures to advertise their shops' wares; for example, barber poles advertise barber shops, show globes advertised apothecaries and the three gold balls represent pawn shops.
Since then Adrienne has been part of the Cheyenne crew which broke the Round the World World Speed Record in 2004; she has circumnavigated the globe on several projects, and has had four World Yachtswoman of the Year nominations.
As a result of daily reporting in almost all the German media, the radio exhibition and the showcased technology receives a large amount of attention around the globe.
Both operational and training missions take 142d Fighter Wing units around the globe in support of drug interdiction, Air Expeditionary Force missions, and contingency operations.
Virginia Jealous' travels across the globe to unearth details of Laurence Hope's life.
It was started in the early 1990s and quickly grew getting class recognition by World Sailing, with large racing fleets all over the globe.
She was recognized in the book, “Hmong History Makers,” published by Holt DcDougal for her work collecting and preserving Hmong folklore from the Hmong people across the globe from Australia to Germany.
In Ann Arbor, Michigan, 15-year-old David Rice (Max Thieriot) gives his crush, Millie Harris (AnnaSophia Robb), a snow globe.
Comparative Adult Education around the globe.
However, it is common for Sunrise to use a slight variation of some elements, such as in 1997, when it had its own variation on the-then title sequence, and in 2005 when Sunrise used an individual variation of the Sky News globe.
गोला हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
मेलबर्न प्लैनेटेरियम दक्षिणी गोलार्ध का पहला डिजिटल प्लैनेटेरियम है।
2 घंटे चली इस गोलाबारी में लै0 नैपियर और 60वीं रायफल्स के 11 जवान मारे गए तथा बहुत से अंग्रेज घायल हो गए।
चित्र:Coat of arms of Angola.svg| अंगोला का राजचिह्न।
|1990 || आग का गोला || शंकर की माँ ||।
उनके स्वतः निर्माण का कोई ज्ञात तरीका नहीं है, इसलिए उनका निर्माण सम्भवतः कम द्रव्यमान वाले ब्लैक होलों की टक्कर से होता है, गोलाकार क्लस्टर के घने तारकीय कोर में या आकाशगंगाओं में।
दक्षिणी गोलार्ध में दिन के दौरान सूर्य उत्तरी दिशा की स्थिति में अधिकतम बढता है, पर मकर रेखा के ऊपर सूर्य मध्याह्न के समय दक्षिण में दिखता है।
21 मार्च, 1936 के ‘हरिजन’ में गांधी ने लिखा की, 'जबसे डॉक्टर आंबेडकर ने धर्म-परिवर्तन की धमकी का बमगोला हिन्दू समाज में फेंका है, उन्हें अपने निश्चय से डिगाने की हरचन्द कोशिशें की जा रही हैं.' यहीं गांधी जी आगे एक जगह लिखते हैं, 'हां ऐसे समय में (सवर्ण) सुधारकों को अपना हृदय टटोलना जरूरी है।
इनकी आँखें भूरी और औसत कद की, कान गोलाई लिए बड़े और घूमनेवाले होते हैं, जिन्हें हिरन आदि की भाँति इधर-उधर घुमाकर ये दूर आहट पा लेते हैं।
थूथन गोलाकार और ठूँठ की तरह होता है।
अंगूर के बागों से अंगूर की फसल आम तौर पर उत्तरी गोलार्द्ध में सितंबर के आरंभ से लेकर नवंबर की शुरुआत तक या दक्षिणी गोलार्द्ध में फरवरी के मध्य से लेकर मार्च की शुरुआत तक प्राप्त की जाती है।
(दूसरी ओर एक प्रतिचक्रवात, उत्तरी गोलार्द्ध में दक्षिणावर्त दिशा में और दक्षिणी गोलार्द्ध में वामवर्त दिशा में घूमता है)।
धारुक का नीचे का पाट प2 बंधनी के अर्धगोलाकार स्थान में बैठा दिया जाता है।
यह उत्तरी गोलार्द्ध में उत्तर दक्षिण से दक्षिण पश्चिम और दक्षिण गोलार्द्ध में दक्षिण पूर्व से उत्तर पश्चिम की ओर प्रवावित होती हैं।
गोला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The uncomfortable conditions, along with the fact that Hapoel Tel Aviv's fans were considered among the most fanatic in Israeli sports, contributed to Ussishkin being known for an extremely hostile atmosphere for visiting teams.
The Local derby matches between the two teams were always considered to be the most prestigious games in Israeli sports, and ones which led to a bitter atmosphere between fans of both clubs, often resulting in acts of mutual violence and [tension between both clubs reached its peak in the 1980s.
He adds: "remove the sun and there will be no fruit, take away the moon and the seas would stagnate, destroy our Atmosphere and we should swell like poison´d Rats".
In 2004, Cat Ba Archipelago was declared a UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve Area in order to protect the multiple terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems as well the diverse plant and animal life that is found on the Island.
Cat Ba National Park more or less constitutes the core zone of the Cat Ba Archipelago Biosphere Reserve.
The island is a national park of Vietnam and was recognized by UNESCO in December 2004 as a Biosphere reserve of the world.
UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Information: Cat Ba.
Biosphere reserves of Vietnam.
The trees planted will absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and provide, as well as environmental benefits, such as water and air quality preservation, and biodiversity protection.
4 tonnes of CO2 equivalent to the atmosphere which will be absorbed by the reforestation of the riparian area.
#"Love Reclaims the Atmosphere".
The local bowling club boasts of being the highest (elevation above sea level) bowling green in the southern hemisphere, which is in fact not correct as there are several lawn bowling clubs in Johannesburg, South Africa, which is at several hundred metres higher elevation than Guyra.