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विषाद Meaning in English

विषाद शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sadness
, gloom

विषाद इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

With the newly created characters, and an umbrella name of "Angry Little Girls" which included other girls; Deborah the disenchanted princess, Maria the crazy little Latina, Wanda the fresh little soul sistah, and Xyla the gloomy girl, Lee turned it into a weekly comic strip self-published on her website www.

Films and Filming reviewer Gordon Gow: "One consolation in the glossy gloom of this downbeat drama is that Frank Sinatra has sufficient talent and taste to break through the wall of embarrassment that is bound to arise between an audience and the film case-history of an unanonymous alcoholic.

He was charismatic and convincing, and he succeeded in dismantling the dark, gloomy promises of Calvinism in favor of a more hopeful view of the present and life after.

It turns out that after Bruenor jumped onto the back of Shimmergloom, he survived the fall and fire due to having hold of Drizzt's scimitar, Icingdeath.

" Paul Presley of The One wrote a positive review of the Amiga/Atari ST version, praising the "suitably gloomy atmosphere" but criticizing the "seemingly everlasting night", as well as the shoot 'em up and hand-to-hand combat levels.

There is no town that is gloomy.

One art historian has suggested that Lucia Anguissola's "suspended" and "gloomy" gaze alludes to her feelings about living in Sofonisba's shadow.

While originally only having a case of split personality, the influence of Soul Edge and its counterpart, Soul Calibur, breaks Tira's mind even further that she currently possesses two different personalities: jolly and gloomy.

In an AllMusic review, critic Tim Sendra said the album was influenced by "New York City scene of the '70s and the gloomy psychedelia of the '60s" and that "while laying out in very clear terms the vision of the band's frontman, Lawrence.

In the halflight of early morning on 9 April, as she lay to on her fire support station, an 18-foot Japanese suicide boat suddenly sped out of the gloom, dropped a depth charge close aboard, and raced away.

Caravaggio's solution to decorating a typically gloomy Roman church interior has been deemed noteworthy.

They helped define the gloom-heavy thrash sound attributed to groups like His Hero is Gone and Tragedy by combining a dynamic, eerie open chord dissonace with a down-tuned power-chord-laden heaviness.

The lyrics of gothic metal are known to be melodramatic, fantasized, romantic, dark or sometimes gloomy.

विषाद हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

यौवन बीत जाने पर मुख पर झुर्रियां और विषाद की रेखाएं अंकित हो जाती हैं।

भगवतीचरण वर्मा द्वारा रचित ‘टेढ़े-मेढ़े रास्ते’ के उत्तर में ‘सीधा-सादा रास्ता’, ‘आनंदमठ’ के उत्तर में उन्होंने ‘विषादमठ’ लिखा।

संचारी या व्यभिचारी भावों की संख्या ३३ मानी गयी है - निर्वेद, ग्लानि, शंका, असूया, मद, श्रम, आलस्य, दीनता, चिंता, मोह, स्मृति, धृति, व्रीड़ा, चापल्य, हर्ष, आवेग, जड़ता, गर्व, विषाद, औत्सुक्य, निद्रा, अपस्मार (मिर्गी), स्वप्न, प्रबोध, अमर्ष (असहनशीलता), अवहित्था (भाव का छिपाना), उग्रता, मति, व्याधि, उन्माद, मरण, त्रास और वितर्क।

"" पेन हर समय अपने ज़िंदा बच जाने का अपराधबोध दर्शाता है और अपनी स्थिति को विरोधाभासी बना लेता है - हालांकि वह अपनी ज़िन्दगी का ख़ात्मा 'एक न्यूयॉर्क् मिनट' में होना ही मानता है, लेकिन दुनिया के प्रति उसके नितांत विषादमय और अंधकारमय दृष्टिकोण को अभिव्यक्त करते उसके आतंरिक एकालाप के बावजूद उसमें एक तीव्र जिजीविषा है।

साथ ही निर्वेद, ग्लानि, चिन्ता, औत्सुक्य, आवेग, मोह, श्रम, भय, विषाद, दैन्य, व्याधि, जड़ता, उन्माद, अपस्मार, त्रास, आलस्य, मरण, स्तम्भ, वेपथु, वेवर्ण्य, अश्रु, स्वरभेद आदि की व्यभिचारी या संचारी भाव के रूप में परिगणित किया है।

शूरवंशैकधीश्शौरिः कंसशंकाविषादकृत्‌।

खण्ड काव्य- मौर्य विजय(1914), अनाथ(1917), आर्द्रा(1927), विषाद(1925), दूर्वा दल(1924), आत्मोत्सर्ग(1931), पाथेय(1933), मृण्मयी(1936), बापू(1937), उन्मुक्त(1940), दैनिकी(1942), नकुल(1946), सुनन्दा और गोपिका।

पित्त पीला या चिड़चिड़ा और विषादपूर्ण पित्त काला बनाता है।

""उसे अक्षर सिखाया था ताराओं ने, प्यार करना सिखाया था इन्द्रधनुष ने; मुस्कराना सिखाया था सूर्योदय ने और सूर्यास्त ने सिखाया था विषाद

"" पित्त पीला या चिड़चिड़ा और विषादपूर्ण पित्त काला बनाता है।

""मैडम डिफ़ार्गे का पीछा करते हैं, डॉ॰ मैनेट को गहरा, उदास विषाद परेशान करता है, उसकी गिरफ़्तारी और बंदीकरण अंधेरे में डूबे हैं, मारकिस की संपत्ति को रात के अंधेरे में जला दिया जाता है, जेरी क्रंचर अंधेरे में कब्रें लूटता है, चार्ल्स की द्वितीय गिरफ़्तारी भी रात में होती है।

उन्होंने चेताया कि हिन्दू धर्म और भारतीय सभ्यता के प्रति किसी तरह की अवहेलना विषादपूर्ण परिणामों को जन्म देगी।

मास्टर्स कविता में गहरा विषाद है, लेकिन सैंडबर्ग की प्रारंभिक कविताओं में मनुष्य में आस्था का स्वर ही प्रधान है।

विषाद इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Šantić's poetry is full of emotion, sadness and pain of love and defiance of social and national disempowered people whom he himself belonged.

The poet watches his beloved from afar and longing often turns into sadness because of unrequited love and the failure of life.

I love the splendid surprises in them, the subtle and exact sadness, and the mysterious manner by which she makes this sadness overflow with hidden joy.

As the military celebrates the collapse of the Golden Palace, Kagari looks on with sadness in her eyes.

Among other symbols engraved on the stones are the willow tree, representing sadness or mourning; the [representing the passage of time; and bones, representing death or Granville Centre is a rural Canadian community located in Annapolis County on the north shore of the Annapolis River in western Nova Scotia.

On May 23 he replied to Washington, expressing his sadness at displeasing Washington, and claiming that "nothing had ever affected" him so greatly as his "reproof.

sudden and inexplicable feelings of fear, anger, sadness, happiness or nausea.

Tardieu made home visits and observed the effect on the children; he noticed that the sadness and fear on their faces disappeared when they were placed under protection.

Yui could see through the disguise, and instead, she convinces him that he actually is a living being himself, capable of feeling happiness, pain, and sadness, and also others A.

Lyrically, the song describes a woman that is unhappy with her life because she believes she is behaving badly, due to the sadness that has overwhelmed her since the end of a romantic relationship.

Lyrically, the song is about a woman that is experiencing extreme sadness due to a failed relationship.

She behaves this way in order to try and deal with her depression and sadness over a relationship with someone she loves deeply, but ultimately has no future.

Author Chris Wade wrote in his book, The Music of Madonna, that "Human Nature" lifted the sadness emanated from the first few tracks from the album.

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