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उदास से Meaning in English

उदास से शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : gloomy
, gloomily

उदास-से इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The Prologue (Es war 'mal ein Ritter trübselig und stumm – There once was a Knight, woeful and silent) tells of the sorrowful knight that sits gloomily in his house all day, but by night is visited by his fairy (nixie) bride, and dances with her until daylight returns him to his little poet's room (Poeten-stübchen).

One innings his bowling was called "gloomily unpenetrative.

उदास-से इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Their music, which was said to "take passion and intensity to a unique level," was matched with a "gloomy lyrical perspective.

One day, his minister Lord Droon, secretly a gloomy thief who plots to capture the stilts, persuades the King's page boy Eric to steal and hide the stilts.

“Spiritual Instruction from the Father and the Mother to the Son” continues onto increasingly more gloomy analysis of the state of the world, showing that the writer identifies with people excluded from the official church for believing unorthodox teachings.

The rock band Kino used the gloomy image of a morning elektrichka to depict society's atmosphere of fear and apathy.

Flavitsky depicts with great tragic power the suffering of this young woman facing certain death in a gloomy dungeon flooded with water, depicting her helplessness and despair most expressively.

He was charismatic and convincing, and he succeeded in dismantling the dark, gloomy promises of Calvinism in favor of a more hopeful view of the present and life after.

The novel portrays gloomy depiction of social and political corruption and highly delicate dynamics of the same prevalent during postcolonial India.

Aubert, who suffers misadventures that include the death of her mother and father, supernatural terrors in a gloomy castle, and machinations of an Italian brigand.

Unlike most of the gloomy and intensely serious work of their contemporaries, Shaw and Wilde wrote primarily in the comic form.

The lyrics of gothic metal are known to be melodramatic, fantasized, romantic, dark or sometimes gloomy.

For the three English bands that helped to pioneer the genre, their gloomy lyrics reflect their background in doom metal while their darker or melodramatic lyrics draw influence from gothic rock.

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