केश प्रसाधक Meaning in English
केश प्रसाधक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hairstyle
, hairdresser
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बालों वाले honeysuckle
केश-प्रसाधक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
South Cerney has a range of local amenities including a Post Office and newsagents (known as South Cerney News), One Stop, Co-Op, hairdressers, a fish and chip shop, an Indian restaurant/takeaway, pharmacy and a dental surgery.
It contains a church, a village shop and post office (which is now also a cafe), a hairdresser, a village hall with a park and children's play areas, and a pub.
Kingsway is an area of the village which includes a Co-op shop, hairdressers and a Chinese restaurant.
Allie and Gavin also employ three more staff, hairdresser Shane, junior Ruby and accountant Eugene.
The village has a small newsagent, hairdresser, one estate agents, one pub, lower school, nursery, drama society, dance school, sports centre and parish council.
Upon their arrival in New York, Bérard had Pierre apprenticed to one of New York's leading hairdressers.
In addition, Mellencamp turned a song his hairdresser, Dan Ross (also lead singer in a local Indiana band), had started into "Play Guitar.
With 42 restaurants in the district, 4 bakeries, 4 lodges, 11 official wineries, 1 hairdresser, 8 pharmacies, 1 tap, 56 buildings for family homes and 6 for multifamily.
There is still a village shop with Post Office, butchers and hairdressers.
There were a small row of shops around Safeway : John Menzies (the newsagent), Jane Montgomery (hairdresser), a chemist and a video hire shop.
The illegitimate daughter of a seamstress, she had moved to Paris at the age of 15, where, using the name Jeanne Rancon, she worked first as an assistant to a young hairdresser with whom she had an affair and later as a milliner's assistant in a shop named A La Toilette.
There is also a hairdressers.
Village life is depicted with shops - a tavern, a grocer's, a hatter's, a bakery, a butcher's, a cobbler's, the apothecary, the basket maker, and a hairdresser.
केश-प्रसाधक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Labeled a pioneer of unconventional trends, her first appearance in Lollipop sporting her 'palm-tree' hairstyle became the most famous and widely parodied style in 2009 and remains an iconic piece in K-pop.
Bet likes to dress in a way she considers glamorous and has a fondness for leopard print clothes and a beehive hairstyle.
It shows Carey (who emulates Monroe's make-up and hairstyles) visiting Edwards Air Force Base in California and singing for airmen and soldiers, while standing on a fighter jet, as Monroe had done during the Korean War.
Hillman earned a reputation for his stylish slam dunks and oversized afro hairstyle.
George Berry's distinctive afro hairstyle.
Due to his playing position and unique offensive style of play, which combined searing pace with grace and outstanding technique, Meroni was often compared to George Best throughout his career, a comparison which was also strengthened due to their similar appearance, Beatles–inspired hairstyle, lifestyle off the pitch, and personality.
The term that the title refers to is a hairstyle in which the hair is tied into ball-shaped masses at the top or sides of the head.
Fischer prepared for her audition by looking as boring as possible, creating the original Pam hairstyle.
She was named spokesperson for H"M in 2005, replacing Kate Moss, and during 2006's Fall Fashion Week she traded in her long dark locks for a short platinum blonde hairstyle reminiscent of Jean Seberg.
In late 2011, Turner began to change his stage persona and style, most notably changing his hairstyle to a "rockabilly-inspired quiff".
The band members adopt surreal appearances and behavior, with Kiedis for example having an overall Princess Leia-esque look, complete with robes and a "donut" hairstyle.
Mainly used as cooking oil and to hold a hairstyle.
The characters are all designed differently and are given normal hairstyles, as opposed to the wild hairstyles in the 1995 edition.