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रोयेंदार Meaning in English

रोयेंदार शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : swaying
, hairy

रोयेंदार इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Ascomata are superficial or immersed, perithecial and ostiolate or cleistothecial and non-ostiolate, hairy or glabrous, dark coloured.

The addition of another 1 or 1½ oz of vodka to the fuzzy navel creates a "hairy navel", the more "hair" referring to the increased strength of alcohol in the drink.

However, a mitochondrial DNA investigation has concluded that Chlamyphorinae (fairy armadillos) is the sister group of Tolypeutinae (giant, three-banded and naked-tailed armadillos), with Euphractinae (hairy, six-banded and pichi armadillos) having diverged earlier.

They have hairy bracts and sepals.

Black-tailed hairy dwarf porcupine, Coendou melanurus.

Paraguaian hairy dwarf porcupine, Coendou spinosus.

The stems are 20–40"nbsp;cm tall, erect, branching, and slightly hairy, with a swollen corm-like base.

In hairy skin, Merkel nerve endings are clustered into specialized epithelial structures called "touch domes" or "hair disks".

In mammals, Merkel nerve endings have a wide distribution and are found in the basal layer of glabrous and hairy skin, in [follicle]s, and in oral and anal mucosa.

Lesser hairy-winged bat (Harpiocephalus harpia) .

Pogogyne abramsii is a small, aromatic, densely hairy annual herb producing erect stems topped with tiny but showy inflorescences.

Petioles stout, hairy, flattened, grooved.

As with all pasqueflowers, the flowers have a silky, hairy texture, and are followed by prominent seedheads which persist on the plant for many weeks.

The stems are circular, and sometimes slightly hairy.

रोयेंदार हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

बिहारी रोयेंदार केटरपिलर, स्पाइलार्कशिया आबलीकुआ के विरूद्व 9 पौधों के सारसत्वों ने 90% से अधिक की खाद्य प्रवृत्ति में गिरावट देखी गई।

विशाल दानेदार लिम्फोसाईटिक ल्यूकेमिया में T कोशिका या NK कोशिकाएं पायी जा सकती हैं; जैसा कि रोयेंदार कोशिका वाली श्वेतरक्तता, जिसमें केवल B कोशिकाएं पायी जाती हैं।

फल रोयेंदार होते हैं तथा सहपत्रों में ढके रहते हैं।

विभिन्न प्रकार के मखमल रोयेंदार डोरे के रंग, प्रकार (जैसे, ऊन, सूत, बकरी इत्यादि के लंबे बाल), आकार (जैसे, कटे बिनकटे) इत्यादि बदलने से बनाए जा सकते हैं।

खनिज मखमल (फ्रेंच: Velours, जर्मन: Samt, अंग्रेजी: Velvet, स्पेनिश: Terciopelo) हलकी बुनाई के रोयेंदार रेशमी कपड़े को कहते हैं।

अंतत:, रोयेंदार कोशिका वाली ल्यूकेमिया (हेयरी सेल श्वेतरक्तता) और टी-सेल (T-cell) प्रोलिम्फोसाईटिक ल्यूकेमिया।

""बिहारी रोयेंदार केटरपिलर, स्पाइलार्कशिया आबलीकुआ के विरूद्व 9 पौधों के सारसत्वों ने 90% से अधिक की खाद्य प्रवृत्ति में गिरावट देखी गई।

रोयेंदार कोशिका वाला ल्यूकेमिया।

अल्युकेमिया ल्यूकेमिया के चार प्रमुख प्रकारों में से किसी में भी हो सकता है और यह खास तौर पर रोयेंदार कोशिका वाली ल्यूकेमिया में सामान्य रूप से पायी जाती है।

बुनाई के दौरान ऐंठे हुए रोयेंदार धागे को रोयाँ बनाने के लिये ऊपर उठा देते हैं, जबकि आधार के धागे नीचे रहते हैं।

ओलिंगीटो, ओलिंगो से अधिक समूरी (रोयेंदार) होता है इसका दंत विन्यास भी ओलिंगो से भिन्न होता है।

प्रायः सभी उड़ने वाले पक्षियों के परों में छोटे हुक होते जो उड़ते समय सारे परों को एकबद्ध कर लेते हैं, लेकिन शुतुरमुर्ग के परों में इनका अभाव होता है और इसके पर मुलायम तथा रोयेंदार होते हैं और मौसम रोधक का काम करते हैं।

रोयेंदार इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In April 2019, the airport was captured by forces loyal to the Libyan National Army (LNA) and its leader Khalifa Haftar and was held for over a year, despite the control of the airport swaying back to GNA briefly on May 2019.

In the games, they are animated with a swaying or "wading" motion, based on the creatures' reported gait.

The alarm was groundless, however, for the men who were working under the wall had seen it swaying and had stepped back just in time to escape being crushed under the falling mass of bricks.

Los Angeles street toward the north was a swaying, jostling mass.

The "Stump Speaker" appears to be swaying the assembled crowd by bending to the people's desires, shown by the curving arm that is outstretched to the audience.

Orangutans have even been shown to utilize the compliance in vertical supports to lower the cost of locomotion by swaying trees back and forth and they possess unique strategies of locomotion, moving slowly and using multiple supports to limit oscillations in compliant branches, particularly at their tips.

When a man like Newby applied for a position in the crew, an officer had him climb to the top of the mainmast, pointing out that at sea, he might have to climb it while it was swaying wildly.

A lesion in this area will result in ataxia, a neurological disorder that results in the deterioration of the coordination of muscle movements, and unsteady bodily movements such as swaying and staggering.

It's the officials that take a bit of swaying again.

Clara continued to gradually weaken over the next few days, performing swaying movements in its track.

In contrast to the bewildering audio situation, the video (directed by Nick Ferguson) was a stark and simple affair, the singer captured performing the song in what appeared to be a single take with multiple cameras, swaying in front of a spotlight that created a monotone and near-silhouette effect.

Shaking branches or swaying arms is used as a warning of danger to the group.

Although the protest led to Rabbi Taubes' dismissal, and eventually to the dismissal of Cohen as well (both became instructors in other divisions of Yeshiva University, and Rabbi Taubes in 2008 became a teacher at the high school and became principal again in 2011), their prompt action is credited with swaying Rabbi Lamm to not close the school.

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