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केशहीन Meaning in English

केशहीन शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : unhairstyled
, hairless

केशहीन इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The first image shows Kozyra lying in the same pose as Manet's "Olympia", but her body is not meant to be the object of desire as with Manet's work, but, instead is pale, hairless, and unhealthy.

Their prehensile tail with a hairless gripping pad at the end also allows for their mobility, which then means they have increased caudal vertebrae, with about 31 caudal vertebrae as opposed to another platyrrhine like Cebus with only 23 on average.

Although there are some bristly hairs around the margins of the scutes, the tail and underside of the animal are hairless.

For dogs where hairlessness is a dominant gene, hairless to hairless matings will on average produce 66.

The hands and feet are hairless, with dark coloured skin, and have opposable thumbs and toes.

The hairless gripping pad of the underside of the tip of their tail is often compared to a finger, since it allows surface gripping.

Rhinopomatidae are small bats with very slim limbs and a long, thin, hairless tail, which is nearly the same length as the rest of the body and not connected to the patagium.

Dogs with dominant genes for hairlessness can pass their attributes to their offspring in natural conditions; that is, not under the control of humans.

The shoots are greyish-pink to buff-brown, smooth and glabrous (hairless).

The stump-tailed macaque has long, thick, dark brown fur covering its body, but its face and its short tail, which measures between , are hairless.

Therefore, all dominant-hairless dogs have a heterozygous gene structure.

The herbage is generally hairless except for new growth.

केशहीन हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

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