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अवश्य! Meaning in English

अवश्य! शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : without fail

अवश्य! इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Johnston received a letter from William Mahone, sent on October 18, 1869, that he must go to Richmond "without fail, by the first train.

The Tanu have won the Combat without fail for the past forty years, because of their use of humanity and human innovations, such as the grey-torc shock troops and the use of horse-like chalicotheres (known as 'chalikos') as riding animals giving the Tanu cavalry that the Firvulag lack.

" In other words, language usage is intrinsically, and without fail, contextual in all of its uses.

Every year without fail, Ivy Ling Po would make the list of the Top Ten stars in Hong Kong in polls conducted by magazines and newspapers.

After making the tackle Winters looks into Lattimer's eyes on the sideline and notices that they are bloodshot and distorted and realizes that Lattimer managed to continue taking steroids without failing a drug test.

He was one of the most senior and influential members of the Operations Research Society of India (ORSI) and he has been attending the annual convention of ORSI without fail for the past 35 years.

Her famous tag-line, uttered without fail in every episode to John Puruntong, was a scathing admonition: "Magsumikap ka!" ("Strive harder!") She also popularized the Filipino catch-phrase "Hudas! Barabas! Hestas!" in this sitcom.

Mangere United's war cry commences before each game without fail.

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