आकर्णक Meaning in English
आकर्णक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : diagonal
, headphones
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आकर्णक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Company founder Lee said [We're looking at] “alternative venues – like Barclays’ Center, stadiums where players can wear the headphone when they go in, and talk about how great the headphones sound.
A crystal radio uses no active parts: it is powered only by the radio signal itself, whose detected power feeds headphones in order to be audible at all.
He remembers hearing a loud bang in his headphones and looking up to the Copa Lounge stage seeing the podium turned over and Barry signaling him to cut the mikes.
It is designed to mimic the tone generated by a typical radio receiver when a CW signal is converted to the intermediate frequency (IF), then mixed with the Beat frequency oscillator (BFO) frequency to generate a difference frequency, which is audible over the radio receiver loudspeaker or headphones.
Burr is also credited with making the first transcontinental 'broadcast' by singing into the telephone in New York and being heard by diners wearing headphones at a Rotary dinner in California.
In 1990, Chesky Records released its Jazz Sampler " Audiophile Test Compact Disc, with the first nine tracks devoted to music and the remaining twenty devoted to listening and technical tests for headphones and loud speakers.
At one point, one of the dancers is shown wearing headphones displaying the word 'FONY' in the style of the Sony corporate logo, a reference to the contractual dispute Michael was having at the time with Sony Music Entertainment (formerly CBS Records).
In the ending, she is seen in a bed, wearing headphones.
2019 - The launch of the company's first headphones, IO-4 and IO-6.
AKG – microphone/headphones.
Infinity – home/car speakers/headphones.
JBL – home/car speakers " amplifiers, professional speakers, headphones.
"CMSS-3D recreates realistic surround sound from any audio source and puts you right in the center of the action, whether you are using multichannel speakers or headphones.
KG (stylized as beyerdynamic) is a German manufacturer of microphones, headphones, wireless audio systems and conference systems.
One of the all-time great headphones tracks, featuring the avant-garde at its funkiest.
आकर्णक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" इस प्रवर्धन प्रभाव का एक उदाहरण फीडबैक से उत्पन्न दोलन था, जिसका परिणाम, यदि पुराने 'मोमबत्ती-दान' टेलीफोन के आकर्णक को यदि कार्बन माइक्रोफोन के पास रखा गया हो तो, एक श्रवणीय ध्वनि के रूप में मिलता था।
आकर्णक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
diagonally across from my grandmother's house, which was made of thatch.
Test takers replicated the designs with painted blocks (each side was a single color or two colors divided by a diagonal line).
Northwest of Manget Street, the highway went diagonally through existing neighborhoods, again destroying several homes.
This flag, commonly known as the "Pendon Trigarante", had the colors: white, green and red in that order, arranged diagonally with three eight-point gold stars, one on the center of each color banner.
This includes the Lie algebra of diagonal matrices in \mathfrak{gl}(n), which are of the form\left\{ \begin{bmatrix}.
Some examples include the upper-diagonal matrices, such as the class of matrices of the form\left\{ \begin{bmatrix}.
In addition, the Lie algebra of upper diagonal matrices in \mathfrak{gl}(n) form a solvable Lie algebra.
North Point Breeze also runs catty-corner with the Pittsburgh neighborhood of Shadyside to the west at the intersection of Penn and Fifth Avenues (This intersection also serves as a north-south "diagonal" for the Pittsburgh neighborhoods of Larimer and Point Breeze).
One of the diagonals of the quadrilateral divides the region into two triangles of equal area.
and the other diagonal divides the region into two triangles whose areas are not rational multiples.
The stage-like space and arrangement of the main figures in two parallel diagonal lines seem to suggest an inspiration by theatre reenactments of the story of the Epiphany.
Traditionally, as with regular sudoku puzzles, the grid layout is symmetrical around a diagonal, horizontal or vertical axis, or a quarter or half turn about the centre.
House : Any nonrepeating set of 9 cells: can be used as a general term for "row, column, or nonet" (or, in Killer X variants, "long diagonal").
In 'Killer X', an additional rule is that each of the long diagonals contains each number once.