प्रगति Meaning in English
प्रगति शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : progress
, headway
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
सिर काचंते
ईश्वर विश्वास से चिकित्सा
आरोग्य प्राप्ति
स्वास्थ्य जांच
आरोग्य बीमा
स्वास्थ्य पेशेवर
स्वास्थ्यलाभ से संबंधित
आरोग्य शास्त्राचार्य
स्वास्थ्यवर्द्धक पदार्थ या औषधि
प्रगति इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
With the market for the Mega Drive quickly shrinking to make headway for the incoming 32-bit fifth generation hardware, Suganami received support from other Treasure staff and released the game with only about half of his original ideas realized.
Suffering from writer's block, he checked into a motel in Pismo Beach where he hoped, free from interruption, he could make some headway with his writing.
He is first mentioned in the year 313 BC, when he was left by his brother in the command of Chalcis, to make headway against Ptolemy, the general of Antigonus, when Cassander himself was recalled to the defence of Macedonia.
The CBTC system is mostly automated and uses a moving block system—which reduces headways between trains, increases train frequencies and capacities, and relays the trains' positions to a control room—rather than a fixed block system.
We soon discovered that it would bear up the weight of a man and that we could make no headway against it with the boat.
Less than a year and a half later the follow-up CD Kobzar once again on EMI/Eastblok Music, made headway on in the World Music Charts Europe when it made to seventh place in March 2008.
Had not Melcher come on I think this officer would have shot me (4 barrels were loaded when I took his pistol) and very likely his men would have got such headway they might have swept us all back.
Four-aspect signalling, which also includes double yellow, is mostly used on busy routes to allow shorter headways, and on fast routes to provide longer braking distances.
The Croat attack, however, was repulsed by the Spanish and even Charles Emmanuel's grenadiers could make no headway.
On weekends, train run at 20 minute headways for most of the day.
Route 62 only services Stittsville during weekday peak periods and weekday midday at 30 minute headway (as was the case with route 96A).
Because there is significant overlap on these routes, most of the system sees 10-minute peak and 15-minute off-peak headways; stations in the downtown section between Mt.
Peter reluctantly agrees, but fails to make headway until—while helping Lois in the kitchen—he accidentally knocks a box off a high shelf in the kitchen, hitting Lois in the head, causing Stewie to laugh hysterically.
प्रगति हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
इसके बावजूद कभी इस क्षेत्र की प्रगति पर ध्यान नहीं दिया गया।
एक विशेष क्षेत्र में की गई प्रगति की समीक्षा करना।
वीडियो गेम कंसोल पर, रीसेट बटन गेम को पुनरारम्भ करता है, खिलाड़ी की बिना सहेजे प्रगति को खो देता है।
यदि इसे हटा दिया जाए, तो सारी सुन्दरता, कुरूपता में और सारी प्रगति, विनाश में परिणत हो जायेगी।
त्रफ्फिकान्ते के अनुसार वे 'जुंटा की निष्प्रभावी प्रगति से असन्तुष्ट थे'. वेरोना ने खर्च के लिए 10,000 डॉलर और संचार उपकरणों के लिए 1,000 डॉलर का अनुरोध किया।
"" यह एक ओर प्रगति का स्रोत माना गया है तो कई लोगों द्वारा इसे अवनती के स्रोत के रूप में भी चिन्हित किया है।
""इंट्रा पीआईबी, इंट्रानेट वेब पोर्टल को पत्र सूचना कार्यालय द्वारा नई विशेषताओं सहित सज्जित किया गया है जैसे पीआईबी क्लिपिंग सेवा, आंतरिक अनुप्रयोग के लिंक प्रदान करना जो हैं हार्डवेयर की शिकायतें, मासिक प्रगति प्रतिवेदन, वेतन पर्चियां, सूचनाएं, डाउनलोड फॉर्म।
निकोला वप्त्सारोव की कविताएँ -1960 ('रूपतरंग और प्रगतिशील कविता की वैचारिक पृष्ठभूमि' के अंतर्वर्ती द्वितीय खंड के रूप में समाहित)।
भारत की आर्थिक प्रगति में सिखों का बहुत बड़ा योगदान है।
इन सुधारों के साथ एफबीआई ने दूरसंचार प्रगति द्वारा उन समस्याओं की प्रकृति में किये गए बदलावों को अपनाकर सार्वजनिक सुरक्षा और राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा जाँच में अपनी इलेक्ट्रॉनिक निगरानी क्षमता बढ़ा ली थी।
ग्रुप चरण के समापन के बाद, चिलौव मरियन्स क्रिकेट क्लब, कोलंबो क्रिकेट क्लब, कोल्ट्स क्रिकेट क्लब, नॉनडिस्क्रीप्स क्रिकेट क्लब, सार्केन्स स्पोर्ट्स क्लब, सिंहली स्पोर्ट्स क्लब, श्रीलंका आर्मी स्पोर्ट्स क्लब और तमिल यूनियन क्रिकेट और एथलेटिक क्लब सभी प्रगति कर चुके थे।
कोच्चि के वर्ष पर्यन्त चलने वाले हार्बर की क्षमताओं का अधिक उपयोग करने हेतु एक अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय क्रूज़ टर्मिनल तथा कई मैरीनाज़ का निर्माण कार्य प्रगति पर है।
आज जहाँ महिलाएं, पुरुषों के बराबर कंधे से कंधा मिलाकर काम करने में प्रगतिशील है वही उनके साथ ऐसा कुकर्म अशोभनीय है।
प्रगति इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The first (honorary) president was Pierre André Latreille (1762-1833) who was elected unanimously and established the goal of the society to contribute to and progress the development of entomology in all its aspects.
A treatise on epidemic cholera : including an historical account of its origin and progress, to the present period (1832).
Santa Fe work crews engaged in sabotage to slow the progress of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad through the Rockies as the two fought their way toward the Coast; the Santa Fe (in conjunction with the California Southern) would win the race in establishing its connection to Bakersfield in 1883.
The Southern Pacific would similarly block the westward progress of the Santa Fe (known to some as the People's Railroad) until September 1882, when a group of enraged citizens ultimately forced the railroad's management to relent.
He apparently takes a laid-back approach to being an advisor, being entirely clueless as to Tajel's research interests, progress, and sometimes even her name.
In reality, the dismantlement of the palace likely occurred progressively over time, beginning well before 1707 and also continuing after Moulay Isma'il.
The Italian ships were ordered not to open fire but merely to try to impede the progress of the Spanish ships and force them to dock at Augusta, Sicily, where they would be interned.
This inhibits growth since technical progress necessary for growth requires skilled labor.
The onset of the Great Depression in 1929 would further suppress demand for new electric services and slow progress toward rural electrification.
Federal government revenue sharing to municipalities had been progressively reduced from 1981 onwards, and had ended by the time Barthelemy took office in 1986.
that we are making real progress in addressing the serious reconciliation and unhealthy culture issues that have been part of Mars Hill Church for way too long.
Nevertheless, the progress of Argentine basketball would be shown in 2002 FIBA World Championship being the first team to defeat a United States roster composed entirely of NBA players and also reaching the final, finally lost to Yugoslavia.
With Guinness officials on hand to monitor their progress, writer Mark Millar began work at 9am scripting a 20-page black and white Superior comic book, with Fegredo and the other artists appearing on stage throughout the day to work on the pencils, inks, and lettering, including Dave Gibbons, Frank Quitely, John Romita Jr.