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प्रधानता Meaning in English

प्रधानता शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : principality
, headship

प्रधानता इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The men's first boat lost the Mays headship in 2016 to Maggie, and the Lents in 2017, also to Maggie.

Downing women bumped Emmanuel and Caius to take their first ever women's bumps headship.

He also twice won May Bumps headships with Caius Boat Club.

men rowed-over in 1st position, achieving the headship for the 3rd consecutive year.

Downing women also consistently place highly, currently holding the 2020 Lents headship.

Jesus women bumped Pembroke, Caius and Emmanuel to take their first headship since 1994.

In the Lent Bumps, Emmanuel men gained the headship in 1930, and although they reached 1st position in Lent Bumps 2001, they were not awarded the headship, since the last two days of the races were not completed due to an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the United Kingdom.

Caius men gained their 5th consecutive headship and 6th since 1999.

Caius also held both the double headship in the May Bumps 2002, meaning that all four headships were held by the same club simultaneously - the first time this has ever happened in bumps history.

The women's 1st VIII first raced in 1985, and have not yet taken the headship of the Lent Bumps, but took the headship of the May Bumps in 1997, 1998, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010.

Downing women formed in 1981 and held their first headship of the Lent Bumps from 2004–2005, regaining it in 2011, and attained their first headship of the May Bumps in 2011.

They retained both headships in 2012.

In July 2013, Inglis left the school to take up a headship at Elstree School.

प्रधानता हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

उसकी कृतियों में कार्य मंथर गति से बढ़ता हैं तथा प्रगति तत्त्व की प्रधानता मिलती है।

व्यवसायिकता की प्रधानता हुई, जिससे खेलों की लोकप्रियता में वृद्धि हुई, क्योंकि खेल प्रशंसकों ने रेडियो, टेलीविजन और इंटरनेट के माध्यम से व्यावसायिक खिलाड़ियों के खेल का बेहतरीन आनंद लेना शुरू किया।

जोशीमठ जैसा कि अधिकांश प्राचीन एवं श्रद्धेयस्थलों के लिये होता है, उसी प्रकार जोशीमठ का भूतकाल किंवदन्तियों एवं रहस्यों से प्रभावित है जो इसकी पूर्व प्रधानता को दर्शाता है।

(iii) कर्नाटक पठार (मैसूर पठार) - इसमें आर्कियन चट्टानों की प्रधानता है ।

शैलियों के निर्वाचन में मैथिलीशरण गुप्त ने विविधता दिखाई, किन्तु प्रधानता प्रबन्धात्मक इतिवृत्तमय शैली की है।

मनुष्य के सामाजिक, आर्थिक तथा राजनीतिक जीवन में प्राकृतिक वातावरण की प्रधानता है किंतु किसी भी लेखक ने विश्वास नहीं किया कि प्रकृति के अधिनायकत्व में मनुष्य सर्वोपरि रहा।

विष्णु, रुद्र, सूर्य आदि की उपासना वैदिक काल से ही चली आती थी, फिर धीरे धीरे कुछ लोग किसी एक देवता को प्रधानता देने लगे, कुछ लोग दूसरे को।

प्रधानतावाद - काज़िमिर मेलविच, अलेक्ज़ेंड्रा एक्स्टर, ओल्गा रोज़ानोवा नाडेझदा उदाल्तसोवा, इवान क्लियुम, ल्युबोव पोपोवा, निकोलाई सुटीन, नीना गेन्के-मेलर, इवान पुनी, सेनिया बोगुस्लावस्काया।

उपन्यास में घटनाओं की प्रधानता है किन्तु उनका संघटन सतर्कतापूर्वक किया गया है और बौद्धकालीन सामग्री के विभिन्न स्रोतों का उपयोग करते हुए उन्हें एक सीमा तक प्रामाणिक एवं प्रभावोत्पादक बनाने की चेष्टा की गयी है।

दूसरे वर्ग में वे दोहे हैं जिनमें रसात्मकता को विशेषता नहीं दी गई वरन् अलंकार चमत्कार और वचनचातुरी अथवा कथन-कलाकौशल को ही प्रधानता दी गई है।

जॉन क्लाइमेक्स (7वीं शताब्दी) में द लैडर ऑफ़ डिवाइन एक्सेंट में तीस-घापों वाली सीढ़ी के व्यक्तिगत पदक्षेपों की आठ विचारों पर विजय को प्रधानता दी गई है: रोष (8), गुमान (10,22), उदासी (13), लोलुपता (14), लालसा (15), लालच (16, 17), निराशा (18) तथा अहंकार (23).।

""अलंकृत काव्यरचना शैली की प्रधानतावाले माघोत्तरयुगी कवियों द्वारा निर्मित काव्यों में अलंकरण प्रधानता, प्रौढ़ोक्ति कल्पना से प्रेरित वर्णन प्रंसगों की स्फीतता तथा पांडित्यलब्ध ज्ञानगरिष्ठाता अतिसंयोजन आदि की प्रवृत्ति बढ़ी।

परंतु इसके बाद की कविता में कवि के अपने राग-विराग की प्रधानता हो गई।

प्रधानता इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Plassenburg remained the administrative centre of this hilly principality until after the middle of the 16th century.

It was the seat of Veronica Gambara (1485–1550) a noted politician poet who ruled the principality after the death of her husband Giberto X, Count of Correggio, from 1518 to 1550.

At the same time the Brahuis had been gradually gaining strength, and their little principality at this time extended through the Jhalawan country to Wadh.

Nor is there evidence of any links to the dukedom of Gramont or of the sovereign principality of Bidache.

Duc: possessor of a duchy (duché—a feudal property, not an independent principality) and recognition as duke by the king.

Prince: possessor of a lordship styled a principality (principauté); most such titles were held by family tradition and were treated by the court as titres de courtoisie—often borne by the eldest sons of the more important duke-peers.

The kingdoms of Kartli and Kakheti, and the eastern part of the principality of Samtskhe, were allotted to the Safavids which had already garrisoned the Georgian capital of Tbilisi.

For four centuries it was the seat of an independent principality (first a county, then a duchy), a possession of the Pico family, whose most outstanding member was the polymath Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463"ndash;94).

The King of Prussia, who also had a claim to the principality of Orange received lands in the Ruhr.

Olimpia Maidalchini received the honorific title of Princess of San Martino, effectively turning the small enclave of San Martino into a principality in its own right.

In 1027, duke Sergius IV donated the county of Aversa to a band of Norman mercenaries led by Rainulf Drengot, whose support he had needed in the war with the principality of Capua.

Serbia was a Slavic principality, subject to the Byzantine Empire, located in the western Balkans, bordering with Bulgaria in the east.

The younger sons lived permanently in Denmark, rising to high office in the court of their cousin; only William returned to Germany upon inheriting the principality of Hanau.

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