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अलंकारवाद Meaning in English

अलंकारवाद शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : rhetoric
, formalism

अलंकारवाद इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Any laxness would violate TNT's formation system (although it is trivially proved this formalism is unnecessary for operations which are both commutative and associative).

Bordwell has also been associated with a methodological approach known as neoformalism, although this approach has been more extensively written about by his wife, Kristin Thompson.

In the second quantized formalism, the different sectors give rise to different orbifold projections.

One has to understand that the image formed in the focal plane of a lens (or a mirror) is modelled through the Fresnel diffraction formalism.

A language grammar is scannerless if it uses a single formalism to express both the lexical (word level) and phrase level structure of the language.

One of the main differences between DRT-style approaches and traditional Montagovian approaches is that DRT includes a level of abstract mental representations (discourse representation structures, DRS) within its formalism, which gives it an intrinsic ability to handle meaning across sentence boundaries.

He was recognized professionally for fusing of the formalism of Mies van der Rohe with the informal style of California modernism.

He developed the existential graphs until they became another formalism for what are now termed first-order logic and normal modal logic.

a new mathematical formalism and new physical concepts, and which is incompatible with both quantum mechanics and general relativity.

Some of these consist of slight or no syntactic changes to the conventional formalisms, but only of changes to their semantics (e.

Five-spice powder (五香粉), mixture of five spices used in Chinese cuisine In computational chemistry, NDDO (neglect of diatomic differential overlap) is a formalism that was first introduced by John Pople and it is now the basis of most successful semiempirical methods.

Landauer–Büttiker formalism.

अलंकारवाद हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" समूचे संस्कृत साहित्य में कुन्तक और राजशेखर ये दो ऐसे आचार्य हैं जो परंपरागत संस्कृत पंडितों के मानस में उतने महत्त्वपूर्ण नहीं हैं जितने रसवादी या अलंकारवादी अथवा ध्वनिवादी हैं।

भाषा की दृष्टि से उसे अलंकारवादी कहा जा सकता है।

अलंकारवादी होते हुए भी आचार्य रुद्रट रसौचित्य के सिद्धांत के समीक्षक रूप में सामने आते हैं।

काव्यालंकार के लेखक आचार्य रुद्रट मूलतः अलंकारवादी कवि हैं।

हमारे यहाँ अलंकारवादी और रीतिवादी समीक्षक इस समग्र प्रभावान्वितिवाले मत को नहीं मानते।

अलंकारवाद इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Rob Wall, a professor at Seattle Pacific University, links the success of Mars Hill Church to Mark Driscoll's direct answers to complicated spiritual questions: "His style of public rhetoric is very authoritative.

These topics were called the seven liberal arts: grammar, astronomy, rhetoric (or speech), logic, arithmetic, geometry and music.

The elementary school curriculum was composed of reading, writing and psalmody, while the high school curriculum was trivium (grammar, rhetoric and dialect), the rest of the liberal arts, as well as scripture study and pastoral theology.

Recently, the pragma-dialectical theory of argumentation has incorporated insights from rhetoric into the analysis of argumentative discussion (Van Eemeren " Houtlosser, 2002; 2006).

Parties involved in a difference of opinion "maneuver strategically" to simultaneously realize their dialectical and their rhetorical aims.

These three aspects correspond with some focal points of rhetorical study – topics, audience adaptation and presentational devices – so that insights acquired in rhetoric are brought to bear in explaining how rhetorical and dialectical considerations play a part in the various ways of strategic maneuvering.

Post-realism suggests that realism is a form of social, scientific and political rhetoric.

Palin stated that she had not been proposing censorship but had been discussing many issues with her staff that were "both rhetorical and realistic in nature.

He taught Latin, Greek, poetry, rhetoric, and possibly Hebrew, mathematics and theory of music, too.

The main issues concerning mainstream media in Turkey are the heavy concentration of ownership, the widespread self-censorship of journalists and media professionals (also due to their vulnerability to political powers) and the presence of nationalist rhetoric and hate speech.

(4) Illusions perdues is also full of the "sublimities and degradations", "excited emphasis" and "romantic rhetoric" to which F.

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