अलंकारवादी Meaning in English
अलंकारवादी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : rhetorical
, formalist
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फेब्रिलिटीरूपात्मक रूप से
प्रारूपित क्षमता
पूर्व कैथेड्रा
पूर्व सदस्य
अलंकारवादी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
It also divides the Urubamba River (a [of the Theo Constanté Parra (May 11, 1934 in Guayaquil, Ecuador "ndash; April 27, 2014) was a master Latin American painter part of the Abstract Informalist Movement in Ecuador.
Tendring Textualism is a formalist theory in which the interpretation of the law is primarily based on the ordinary meaning of the legal text, where no consideration is given to non-textual sources, such as intention of the law when passed, the problem it was intended to remedy, or significant questions regarding the justice or rectitude of the law.
Specifically, while some ethical formalist systems (e.
French judicial decisions, especially in its highest courts, are written in a highly laconic and formalist style, being incomprehensible to non-lawyers.
" The New Yorker's photography critic, Vince Aletti, described Wood's style as "loose, instinctive and dead-on" adding "he makes Martin Parr look like a formalist".
Her travels in the West and Southwest with painter Gordon Grant influenced her style toward a more formalist aesthetic.
This work was dismissed and performances forbidden; Lyatoshynsky was labelled as a ‘formalist’ and his music as ‘anti-people’s’.
While living in Madrid, Villacís was introduced to the Informalismo or Informalist Movement, specifically, Antoni Tàpies, Antonio Saura, and Modest Cuixart, who quickly began to influence his work.
Since he thus reduces beauty to abstract relations he is known as a formalist, and the founder of the formalistic school in aesthetics.
Several of his more influential articles on theory, narrative, and style were collected in Poetics of Cinema (2007), named in homage after the famous anthology of Russian formalist film theory Poetika Kino, edited by Boris Eikhenbaum in 1927.
" Nestyev reversed his earlier approval, now decrying the symphony as "clearly formalist," an about-face which Atovmyan openly criticized.
This analysis includes how films guide our attention to salient narrative information, and how films partake in 'defamiliarization', a formalist term for how art shows us familiar and formulaic objects and concepts in a manner that encourages us to experience them as if they were new entities.
While living in Barcelona, Tábara began working with Antoni Tàpies, Antonio Saura, Manolo Millares, Modest Cuixart and many other Spanish Informalist artists.
अलंकारवादी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" समूचे संस्कृत साहित्य में कुन्तक और राजशेखर ये दो ऐसे आचार्य हैं जो परंपरागत संस्कृत पंडितों के मानस में उतने महत्त्वपूर्ण नहीं हैं जितने रसवादी या अलंकारवादी अथवा ध्वनिवादी हैं।
भाषा की दृष्टि से उसे अलंकारवादी कहा जा सकता है।
अलंकारवादी होते हुए भी आचार्य रुद्रट रसौचित्य के सिद्धांत के समीक्षक रूप में सामने आते हैं।
काव्यालंकार के लेखक आचार्य रुद्रट मूलतः अलंकारवादी कवि हैं।
हमारे यहाँ अलंकारवादी और रीतिवादी समीक्षक इस समग्र प्रभावान्वितिवाले मत को नहीं मानते।
अलंकारवादी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Parties involved in a difference of opinion "maneuver strategically" to simultaneously realize their dialectical and their rhetorical aims.
These three aspects correspond with some focal points of rhetorical study – topics, audience adaptation and presentational devices – so that insights acquired in rhetoric are brought to bear in explaining how rhetorical and dialectical considerations play a part in the various ways of strategic maneuvering.
Palin stated that she had not been proposing censorship but had been discussing many issues with her staff that were "both rhetorical and realistic in nature.
" However, he continues with the rhetorical question, taken from Veritatis Splendor 103, "Of which man are we speaking?" and discusses the teaching of John Paul II that "[Christ] has given us the possibility of realizing the entire truth of our being; he has set our freedom free from the domination of concupiscence.
Other such qualities to be included, especially when considering ones' audience and methods of persuasion, would be the rhetorical appeals:.
The rhetorical appeals also prove important in written texts, as the strategies of using these appeals become more complex as writers understand their audience's needs when not in physical view.
Foss argues that visuals are a valued component of rhetorical study, and to only focus on verbal discourse, limits the opportunity to engage in multiple symbols that create meaning and speak rhetorically.
In thinking about how visuals are used to communicate, and how they are composed or analyzed in a rhetorical work, she argues that one considers the focus:.
Evaluation, assessed rhetorically.
At the time Burke was writing, however, there had been very little revolutionary violence; more concerned with persuading his readers than informing them, he greatly exaggerated this element of the revolution in his text for rhetorical effect.
However, since the 1970s scholars have challenged this view, arguing that Wollstonecraft employed 18th-century modes of writing, such as the digression, to great rhetorical effect.
Since the 1970s, critics who have looked more closely at both her work and Burke's, have come to the conclusion that they share many rhetorical similarities, and that the masculine/logic and feminine/emotion binaries are unsupportable.