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प्ररूपण Meaning in English

प्ररूपण शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : representation
, formation

प्ररूपण इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

However, as the forward pass was legalized, the original T became obsolete in favor of formations such as the single wing.

The opportunity to make decisions and to have information understand to help make informed choices.

For more information on this creation, see this title.

Freedom of information in the United States.

A "super transformation" monster who can double his size every 90 minutes without limit.

Other political achievements by Green included restructuring Tasmania's four port companies into a single entity, supporting a wide-ranging review into public passenger transport services, and increasing transparency in the forestry sector, through changes to Freedom of Information laws and by supporting the role of the Forest Practices Authority.

Dearest information at Oricon.

This was a weekly magazine which took the form of a mini-encyclopedia of information to appeal to the new generations of young readers.

The headquarter complex serves the information needs of the secretariat staff as well as the general public.

This office was responsible for intelligence activities, counter-espionage, and analysis of political and military information about the USSR.

Thought to be based on Richard III and Macbeth, Urquhart is characterised by his habitual breaking of the fourth wall, his quoting of Shakespeare, and his usage of the catchphrase, "You might very well think that; I couldn't possibly comment", or a variation thereon, as a plausibly deniable way of agreeing with people and/or leaking information.

There was local pressure to extend the line further and some formation was constructed in 1914 with the goal of continuing the railway to Waihaorunga.

The name of the river seems to be a back-formation from the town of Kimbolton, whose name means "farmstead of a man called Cynebald", so it is clear that the town is not named after the river.

प्ररूपण हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

इसका इस श्रुतांग में विस्तार से प्ररूपण पाया जाता है।

केवलियों को जितना ज्ञान होता है उसके अतनवें भाग का वे प्ररूपण कर सकते हैं और जितना वे प्ररूपण करते हैं उसका अनंतवाँ भाग शास्त्रों में संकलित किया जाता है।

इसका एक मुख्य कारण यह है कि इसका प्ररूपण सर्वज्ञ-सर्वदर्शी (जिनके ज्ञान से संसार की कोई भी बात छुपी हुई नहीं है, अनादि भूतकाल और अनंत भविष्य के ज्ञाता-दृष्टा), वीतरागी (जिनको किसी पर भी राग-द्वेष नहीं है) प्राणी मात्र के हितेच्छुक, अनंत अनुकम्पा युक्त जिनेश्वर भगवंतों द्वारा हुआ है।

इनमें से प्रथम तिक कुशल, अकुशल तथा अव्याकृत धर्मविषयक है, जो सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है और उसके विषय का प्ररूपण (1) चित्तुपपाद (2) रूप (3) निक्क्षेप और (4) अत्थुद्धार इन चार कांडों में किया गया है।

इनमें जैन कर्मसिद्धांत का बड़ी व्यवस्था तथा सूक्ष्मता से प्ररूपण किया गया है।

"" दूसरे विभाग में 100 दुक हैं और प्रत्येक दुक में विधान ओर निषेध रूप से दो दो विषयों का प्ररूपण किया गया है।

इसमें प्राचीन काल के दार्शनिक वादों जैसे क्रियावाद, अक्रियावाद, नियतिवाद, अज्ञानवाद आदि का प्ररूपण तथा निराकरण किया गया है तथा श्रमण, ब्राह्मण, भिक्षु, निग्र्रंथ आदि के स्वरूप की व्याख्या की गई है।

किंतु वर्तमान में ऐसा न होकर इसके प्रथम खंड में हिंसादि पाँच पापों का और दूसरे खंड में अहिंसादि व्रतों का प्ररूपण पाया जाता है।

इन छह पट्ठाणों का पूर्ववत् चार विभागों में प्ररूपण होने से संपूर्ण ग्रंथ 24 पट्ठाणों में विभक्त हो जाता है।

प्ररूपण इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In his capacity as president, he chairs the parliament’s Council of Elders, which – among other duties – determines daily legislative agenda items and assigning committee chairpersons based on party representation.

Nawab Nauroz Khan took up arms in resistance to the One Unit policy, which decreased government representation for tribal leaders, from 1958 to 1959.

1884 establishments in France In statistics and Markov modeling, an ancestral graph is a type of mixed graph to provide a graphical representation for the result of marginalizing one or more vertices in a graphical model that takes the form of a directed acyclic graph.

It campaigns across a range of issues and supports fan representation on clubs' boards, lower ticket prices, and the introduction of safe standing areas at grounds in the top two tiers of English football.

On buildings of the representations of Montenegro abroad;.

The magazine concluded that "4D Boxing is an excellent and thoroughly enjoyable game with an effective representation of boxing skills .

With the growth of revolutionary Irish nationalism in Ireland, STV was introduced at local level by the UK government to ensure unionist minority representation in nationalist-majority areas and vice versa; however, minority representation did not always occur in practice.

STV was first applied in the 1919 Sligo borough election under the Sligo Corporation Act, 1918, a private act of Parliament sponsored by the Corporation after representations from a mainly-Protestant group of leading ratepayers.

The 1922 Constitution of the Irish Free State mandated proportional representation, and STV was specified in statute law.

As noted above, because it was re-invented by the Englishman Thomas Hare and has been used in many parts of the former British Empire, STV has in the past been referred to as "British proportional representation".

The intention of using STV in Ireland was partly to ensure adequate representation for the Catholic minority in the North and the Protestant minority in the South.

In November 2018, Mark Povinelli, the president of Little People of America, published an article on Variety stating that the film's depiction of Villechaize was an important step for the representation of little people.

He saw in the horseman shown on the lintel of the door of the sacristy, a representation of Saint Jacques Matamoros.

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