अच्छा ख़ासा ख़र्चना Meaning in English
अच्छा ख़ासा ख़र्चना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : spend a lot
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
बहुत पैसा ख़र्च करनाएक पैसा खर्च
ऐसी ही समय बिताना
औकात में खर्च करना
कम खर्च करना
पैसा खर्च करना
औकात से ज्यादा खर्च करना
किफ़ायत से खर्च करना
लापरवाही से खर्च करना
रविवार बिताना
छुट्टी बिताना
अंतिम दिन बिताना
रात गुजारना
रात बिताना
रात्रि बिताना
अच्छा-ख़ासा-ख़र्चना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Meanwhile, Charlie and Yvonne, accidentally left behind on the pier, spend a lot of time together, on one occasion paying for the train journeys of subway passengers, and on another treating the neighborhood children to a day out at Yankee Stadium, about which the media report.
So, to fly with his foxes, it's a lot cheaper than spend a lot of money on boxes for Groxes.
They will spend a lot of time hiding or staying still, but should be given a place to stay which will have cover and shade.
I was thinking, do I want to go back to Purdue with twenty-something faculty, 30,000 students, and all the hassles of that, or do I want to go to an 'underdeveloped country,' to a small university where I can spend a lot of time with students, raise my kids, and not be under that kind of pressure.
They spend a lot of time together while Rip secretly gathers information for his survey.
Settlers had to spend a lot of time to get to their job and then back, so the work could not be done in time.
The two spend a lot of time together eating home cooked meals, playing Scrabble, and watching television.
She and Katina spend a lot of time together.
Charol's condition worsened, and by 1929, he started to spend a lot of time in a [He managed, however, to keep The Sheffield Eagles are a professional rugby league club that play in the Betfred Championship.
Fred admits that she has to spend a lot to try to make Spike corporeal again; Angel says that he asked her to try to get him out of Wolfram " Hart.
In early 2016, Wikipedia editors perceived the WMF's Knowledge Engine project as a conflict of interest for Wales, whose business Wikia might benefit from having the WMF spend a lot of money on research in respect to search.