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छुट्टी बिताना Meaning in English

छुट्टी बिताना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : spend the holiday

छुट्टी-बिताना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Claudia Larson, a single mom who has just been fired from her job as an art restorer due to budget cuts, flies from Chicago to spend Thanksgiving at the Baltimore home of her parents, Adele and Henry Larson, while her only child Kitt decides to stay home and spend the holiday with her boyfriend.

King Joseph I and the court had left the city, after attending mass at sunrise, fulfilling the wish of one of the King's daughters to spend the holiday away from Lisbon.

Through each child deciding to spend the holiday and eventually opening up about their issues, Mike and Carol are able to help them out.

Since he was destitute, she invited him to Worpswede to spend the holidays with her family.

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