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कम खर्च करना Meaning in English

कम खर्च करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : spend less

कम-खर्च-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

"Should the government spend less money on the military and more on education?".

] If Ray J plans on maintaining his every-four-years release schedule, he might as well spend less time soaking up his influences and more time developing some individuality.

He expresses his sorrow that the long working hours he keeps prevents him from spending as much time in the synagogue as he would like, and how wealth would allow him to spend less time working and more time praying and studying the Torah, and finally asking God if "it would spoil a vast eternal plan" if he were wealthy.

In fact, Practical Action mentions that many households in farming communities in the developing world spend less than '1 on electricity per month.

The author uses the Mann-Whitney U-tests to evaluate most of the observed differences in care exhibited towards children and stepchildren, and finds that Hadza men spend less time with (U96), communicate less with (U94.

" Improved stoves are more efficient, meaning that the stove's users spend less time gathering wood or other fuels, suffer less emphysema and other lung diseases prevalent in smoke-filled homes, while reducing deforestation and air pollution.

Upper school students technically have a "homeroom," the homeroom of their designated advisor, but students typically spend less than one hour a week in their homeroom.

A Burnup " Sims stockholder sued due to Caporella's salary from Burnup and percentage of revenue from National Beverage, forcing Caporella to spend less time managing the company.

Bands of these macaques living in coastal zones tend towards a more terrestrial existence and spend less time living in the trees than do the more arboreal populations of the inland forest zones.

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