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अग्रगति Meaning in English

अग्रगति शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : forward
, forward motion

अग्रगति इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

As the puck is released in the forward motion, the follow through of the stick determines the height and direction of the shot.

In aviation, the barrel roll is an aerobatic maneuver in which an aircraft performs a helical roll around its relative forward motion, with the nose ending up pointed along the original flightpath.

Later, the cyclone was forecast to pass "over or just south" of the island; Jamaica was urged to prepare for the cyclone, and the hurricane was expected to strengthen as the forward motion decreased.

This change in forward motion led to a gradual weakening trend over cold water.

Several hours before landfall, the hurricane weakened to Category"nbsp;3 intensity and its forward motion slowed.

Tunnel thrusters increase the vessel's resistance to forward motion through the water, but this can be mitigated through proper fairing aft of the tunnel aperture.

While leveling off in intensity, Ian's forward motion decreased as it tracked northward.

However, effects from rainfall were limited due to the storm's fast forward motion.

The ride vehicles, co-developed by Oceaneering International, are mounted to a track-roaming platform that provides the forward motion to move the vehicle through each show scene.

Writing for the Chicago Tribune, Kristen Lillegard was harsher, noting the lack of forward motion in a story that "wilt[ed] under the weight of facts and figures.

After March 22, forward motion began to slow and intensification resumed.

Initially, forecasters anticipated Babe to maintain its westward course as it strengthened and threaten the Philippines; however, its forward motion gradually slowed as it neared the region.

By August 26, Tropical Storm Cass formed to the west-southwest, which accelerated Amber's forward motion to the northwest due to a Fujiwara interaction.

अग्रगति हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

| 6 स्पर्माटोजोआ/मि.ली. या अधिक होती है; प्रति स्खलन में शुक्राणु संख्या 40×106 स्पर्माटोजोआ या अधिक; आगे बढ़ते समय (ए और बी श्रेणी) 50% या उससे अधि की मृत्यु दर और तेज अग्रगति (श्रेणी ए) के समय 25% या अधिक मृत्यु दर हुआ करती है।

गोपी के.पोदिला और डेविड डी डोड्स, जूनियर, एड (२०००) माइकॉर्‍हिज़ अनुसंधान में वर्तमान अग्रगति. सन्त पॉल, मिनिसोटा: अमेरिकन फाय्टोपओथॉलॉजिकल सोसायटी. पीपी. IX, 193. LCCN 99-068446. ISBN 0-89054-245-7.।

""| 6 स्पर्माटोजोआ/मि.ली. या अधिक होती है; प्रति स्खलन में शुक्राणु संख्या 40×106 स्पर्माटोजोआ या अधिक; आगे बढ़ते समय (ए और बी श्रेणी) 50% या उससे अधि की मृत्यु दर और तेज अग्रगति (श्रेणी ए) के समय 25% या अधिक मृत्यु दर हुआ करती है।

यूरो यूनिवर्स के पतन और चीनी संघ के उत्थान के पश्चात, बचे हुए अधिकाँश भू-भाग जो बर्तानिया की संयुक्त सेनाओं और संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ के नियंत्रणाधीन नहीं थे, एकमात्र महाशक्ति के रूप में साम्राज्य की अग्रगति को रोकने और बाधा देने के लिए लिलाउच द्वारा एक नए गठबंधन का उपयोग किया गया।

लेनिनवाद के इस आयाम के महत्त्व का अनुमान इस बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि मजदूरों और किसानों के क्रांतिकारी मोर्चे की अवधारणा चीन, वियतनाम, कोरिया और लातीनी अमेरिका में कम्युनिस्ट क्रांति को अग्रगति देने में सफल रही है।

दूसरा हिस्सा 1917 से शुरू हो कर 1923 तक चला जब उन्होंने लेनिन के साथ कंधे से कंधा मिला कर सोवियत क्रांति को अग्रगति प्रदान की।

दालाँवेयर ने इस सिद्धांत का प्रयोग १७४४ ई. में तरलों के साम्य और उनकी गति की दशाओं का तथा १७४६ ई. प्रकंपित रज्जु (vibrating string) एवं विषुवों की अग्रगति (precession of the equinoxes) के निर्मेयों को हल करने में किया।

अग्रगति इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

He resigned for the "express purpose of helping the university move forward.

Those are the cornerstones, with them we can move forward and so can all those who we welcome here.

The turrets were arranged in superfiring pairs forward and aft.

After a short stop, the ship left the port, bound for Italy, but that night her forward aviation gas tank exploded, causing serious damage.

Sir Thomas Griffin (1323–1360), English knights William Joyce (born 8 April 1877) was a Scottish footballer who played as a centre-forward in the Football League for Bolton Wanderers and Burton United.

Association football forwards.

difficulties the project has faced in the past and will face going forward.

At forward, agile Celtic Bailey Howell played against perennial All-NBA member Elgin Baylor, captain of the Lakers, while Laker Keith Erickson tried to slow down high-scoring Celtics forward John Havlicek.

Celtics forward Don Nelson and Lakers forward Bill Hewitt required a half-dozen stitches each after in-game collisions.

The heroics belonged to Celtics forward John Havlicek: playing with a swollen eye after being poked by Keith Erickson, he scored 34 points.

Towns in Luxembourg The white hand sign is a medical sign observed as a visible whitening of skin on the hand when the subject elevates the hands above the shoulder girdle with fingers pointing to the ceiling and palms facing forward.

In water polo, dribbling is the technique of moving the ball while swimming forward.

Outside this on each side are two-storey service blocks that project forward, forming a three-sided entrance forecourt.

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