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terpenes Meaning in Punjabi ( terpenes ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਾ ਕੀ ਅਰਥ ਹੈ?)

ਇੱਕ ਅਸੰਤ੍ਰਿਪਤ ਹਾਈਡਰੋਕਾਰਬਨ ਪਲਾਂਟ,

terpenes's Usage Examples:

nail polish removers and solvents of glue (acetone, methyl acetate, ethyl acetate); in spot removers (hexane, petrol ether); in detergents (citrus terpenes);.

lauri folii), consisting of 45% eucalyptol, 12% other terpenes, 8-12% terpinyl acetate, 3–4% sesquiterpenes, 3% methyleugenol.

derived from isoprenes, the structures and formulas of terpenes follow the biogenetic isoprene rule or the C5 rule, as described in 1953 by Leopold Ružička.

monoterpenes produced by trees, such as linalool, hinokitiol, and ocimene have fungicidal and antibacterial activities and participate in wound healing.

citronellal, citronellol, geraniol, eucalyptol, hinokitiol, iridoids, linalool, menthol, thymol Sesquiterpenoids Sesquiterpenes 3 15 C15H24 Farnesol,.

The rhizome contains an ethereal oil (5ml per kg), it primarily consists of Sesquiterpenes.

The investigation of the rearrangement reactions of cyclic unsaturated terpenes made.

citronellol, geraniol, eucalyptol, hinokitiol, iridoids, linalool, menthol, thymol Sesquiterpenoids Sesquiterpenes 3 15 C15H24 Farnesol, geosmin, humulone.

It consists mainly of cineol (see terpenes), from which cajuputene, having a hyacinth-like odor, can.

Conceptually derived from isoprenes, the structures and formulas of terpenes follow the biogenetic isoprene rule or the C5 rule, as described.

"Cyclization enzymes in the biosynthesis of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and diterpenes".

chemical components found in Salvia dorrii include salvidorol and two epimeric abietane diterpenes.

Monoterpenes are a class of terpenes that consist of two isoprene units and have the molecular formula C10H16.

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