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terce Meaning in Punjabi ( terce ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਾ ਕੀ ਅਰਥ ਹੈ?)

ਤੀਜਾ ਕੈਨੋਨੀਕਲ ਘੰਟਾ, ਲਗਭਗ 9 ਟੋਰ,



terce's Usage Examples:

is purified from diseases of soul and body and all worries if the Imam intercedes for him.

Proterochampsids are primitive in that they have simple plate-like pelvises, but they lack small bones in the vertebra called intercentra that are.

He also led the league with 17 interceptions.

Indulgences were introduced to allow for the remission of the severe penances of the early church and granted at the intercession of Christians awaiting.

Gordon may have clashed with the Diefenbaker government due to a number of pressures, including the unexpected delays in getting the Avro Arrow into production, and the threat to the Arrow from the rise of the missile (it was designed to intercept manned bombers).

effectively secreted in the extracellular medium by Cos cells and recaptured by cocultured neurons acting as a potential intercellular peptide messenger.

the Otomo and Ryuzoji asked Hideyoshi for aid, and though he had been unable to help at that time, Hideyoshi interceded, requesting that Yoshihisa make peace.

(69 solo), 17 pass deflections, seven interceptions, two forced fumbles, and a sack in 16 games and 16 starts.

Brown started in all 16 games for the Chiefs, recording three interceptions and 79 tackles.

order for this to be the case, entities need to communicate in a way unsusceptible to eavesdropping or interception.

CrashRpt intercepts unhandled exceptions, creates a crash minidump file, builds a crash descriptor in.

{\displaystyle v/a} is a straight line with intercept V {\displaystyle V} on the ordinate, and slope − K m {\displaystyle -K_{\mathrm {m} }} (Hofstee plot).

4 yards on 13 punts, returned eight punts for 181 yards and 15 kickoffs for 321 yards, and on defense returned an interception 59 yards for a touchdown.

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