tenoned Meaning in Punjabi ( tenoned ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਾ ਕੀ ਅਰਥ ਹੈ?)
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tenoned's Usage Examples:
"Tenons and tenoned beams in Japanese castle donjons" (PDF).
Joists may also be tenoned in during the raising with a soffit tenon or a tusk tenon (possibly with.
“trenched,” “back,” or “clasped;” butt purlins are classified as “threaded,” “tenoned,” and/or[clarification needed] “staggered.
background while still being attached to it” and normally combined with tenoned heads, which are large pieces of stone carved but have a peg of sorts to.
built of "a combination of heavy mortised and tenoned timbers and light dimensioned lumber fastened with cut nails.
main part of the house is built of "a combination of heavy mortised and tenoned timbers and light dimensioned lumber fastened with cut nails.
Four-inch-thick by foot-wide hewn oak timbers were mortised and tenoned, and fastened with wooden dowels into a diagonal braced frame.
Also on the property is a brick wash house, a hewn mortised-and-tenoned-and-pegged timber-braced frame wagon shed flanked by corn cribs, and various.
held in place simply by a tenon arrangement, the braces being fitted into tenoned slots carved into the two main wheel sections.
The main part of the house is built of "a combination of heavy mortised and tenoned timbers and light dimensioned lumber fastened with cut nails.
a system, based on ideas he had read about in journals, of pre-cutting morticed and tenoned house frames.
with a solid wooden seat into which the chair-back and legs are round-tenoned, or pushed into drilled holes, in contrast to standard chairs (whose back.
The building consists partly of mortise and tenoned hand-hewn and peeled log construction.