red blood cell Meaning in Punjabi ( red blood cell ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਾ ਕੀ ਅਰਥ ਹੈ?)
ਲਾਲ ਖੂਨ ਸੈੱਲ
ਲਾਲ ਖੂਨ ਦੇ ਸੈੱਲ,
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red blood cell's Usage Examples:
Hemolysis may result from intrinsic defects in the red blood cell itself: Defects of red blood cell membrane production (as in hereditary spherocytosis.
Enolase deficiency, like other glycolytic enzyme deficiences, usually manifests in red blood cells as they rely entirely on anaerobic glycolysis.
of nucleated red blood cells, which he subdivided into normoblasts, megaloblasts, microblasts and poikiloblasts; he had discovered the precursors of erythrocytes.
"Artificial microvascular network: a new tool for measuring rheologic properties of stored red blood cells".
The MCV is the average red blood cell size.
vertebrate body tissue (often the liver) before entering the bloodstream to infect red blood cells.
In hematology, red cell agglutination or autoagglutination is a phenomenon in which red blood cells clump together, forming aggregates.
Experimental evidence, however, has shown that cobalamin has no effect on erythropoiesis in the absence of a red blood cell/oxygen deficiency.
can be caused by blood loss, decreased red blood cell production, and increased red blood cell breakdown.
Anemia can be caused by either overproduction or underproduction of red blood cells.
Blood viscosity is determined by plasma viscosity, hematocrit (volume fraction of red blood cell, which constitute 99.
blood count (CBC) may show increased reticulocytes, a sign of increased red blood cell production, and decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit.
Blood components include: red blood cell concentrates or suspensions; platelets produced from whole blood or via apheresis;.
blood corpuscle, reticulocyte, microcyte, corpuscle, blood cell, macrocyte, megaloblast, spherocyte, erythrocyte, hemoglobin, haemoglobin, Hb, acanthocyte, megalocyte, siderocyte, sickle cell, RBC, target cell,
crossbred, natural depression, ascent, descent, front,