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recurved Meaning in Punjabi ( recurved ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਾ ਕੀ ਅਰਥ ਹੈ?)


ਕਰਵ ਜਾਂ ਮੋੜ (ਕੁਝ),

recurved's Usage Examples:

abaxially purplish red, adaxially pale green, margin slightly recurved, retuse apically, sessile base leaf that blooms in the summer on an erect, basal.

the recurved sandwort or sickle-leaved sandwort, is a rare tufted, calcifugous chamaephyte perennial herb of the family Caryophyllaceae.

The cephalon has a high profile and recurved genal spines.

recurved; the apex of the leaves is acuminate to cuspitate; the leave are thinnish and smooth, not brittle and dull or slightly shiny; when dry they are grey-brown.

While near its peak intensity, a trough abruptly recurved the system to the northeast.

Andersonia is a subgenus of Stylidium that is characterized by a linear hypanthium, recurved mature capsule walls, an erect and persistent septum, and many.

5m high, and bears up to about 20 unscented flowers with recurved tepals (bent backwards), orange or reddish orange.

narrowly funnel-shaped upper pitchers, and the lids have a recurved basal and filiform appendages not seen in any other Philippine species.

more advanced herbivorous diadectids, the teeth retained labyrinthodont infolding of the enamel, and were pointed and slightly recurved at the tip.

Datura innoxia (often spelled inoxia), known as pricklyburr, recurved thorn-apple, downy thorn-apple, Indian-apple, lovache, moonflower, nacazcul, toloatzin.

A longbow is not significantly recurved.

ef shoot and oblanceolate towards base), obtuse (rarely subacute) or apiculate to rounded, margin plane, ± recurved, base cuneate, markedly paler to.

long spiniform digitations; and with a sutural canaliculate digitation accumbent on the spire, continued and recurved backwards.


curved, curving, recurvate,


straight, shape, contour, form,

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