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reckoner Meaning in Punjabi ( reckoner ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਾ ਕੀ ਅਰਥ ਹੈ?)

ਗਿਣਤੀਕਾਰ, ਕੈਲਕੁਲੇਟਰ, ਹਿਸਾਬ ਦੇਣ ਵਾਲਾ, ਕਾਊਂਟਰ,


ਗਿਣਤੀਕਾਰ, ਕੈਲਕੁਲੇਟਰ,

reckoner's Usage Examples:

The step reckoner (or stepped reckoner) was a digital mechanical calculator invented by the German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz around 1673.

for an improved adding machine based on principles of Leibniz"s stepped reckoner.

By the end of the eighteenth century ready reckoners began to appear designed for the needs of particular trades or types of.

It is somewhat a ready-reckoner, or the first source, before one approaches a priest or an astrologer to.

Kingdom to accommodate pounds, shillings, pennies and farthings, and ready reckoners, which are books aimed at traders that catalogued the results of various.

A ready reckoner is a printed book or table containing pre-calculated values, often multiples of given amounts.

حسيب‎) is an Arabic masculine given name meaning "noble", "respected" or "reckoner".

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz built a machine called the stepped reckoner based on the design of the stepped drum in 1694.

middle-aged ("between youth and old age, variously reckoned to suit the reckoner").

In 1784, he was responsible for an improved adding machine based on principles of Leibniz's stepped reckoner.

The Lebor Gabála Érenn interprets his epithet as meaning "the reckoner of Tara", saying that "by him was "reckoning" first made in Ireland".


enchiridion, handbook, ready reckoner, vade mecum,


unskilled, generalist, software,

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