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microgram Meaning in Punjabi ( microgram ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਾ ਕੀ ਅਰਥ ਹੈ?)


ਇੱਕ ਮਿਲੀਅਨਵਾਂ ਸ਼ੇਅਰ (1or100000000),



microgram's Usage Examples:

animals also include vitamins, which are organic compounds required in microgram or milligram amounts.

micrograms per kilogram of body mass when given to mice intravenously (approximately 31.

high as 83 microgrammes per cubic metre and the report notes that the chemical can be toxic in concentrations as low as 0.

kilogram 10−6 g µg microgram (mcg) 106 g Mg megagram (tonne) 10−9 g ng nanogram 109 g Gg gigagram 10−12 g pg picogram 1012 g Tg teragram 10−15 g fg femtogram.

shaped uranium-235 and plutonium, a metal hitherto available only in microgram amounts, and whose properties were largely unknown.

Shoemaker who had 100 micrograms per deciliter of lead in his blood on record.

01 microgram (µg) of phosphotungstic acid-precipitable protein nitrogen.

times the dosage required for LSD, presumably in the high hundreds of micrograms.

Four times the allowed limit of 5 micrograms per milliliter was found to be present in Munyasia"s urine.

Baseline levels of serum aluminium should be <20 microgram/L.

Kong, the BrAC limit is 220 micrograms per litre of breath (as well as other defined limits) In The Netherlands and Finland, the BrAC limit is 220 micrograms.

The particle sizes range between 10 and 300 micrometres, implying masses from one nanogram to tens of micrograms.

serum aluminium is normally lower than 6 microgram/L.

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