lankly Meaning in Punjabi ( lankly ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਸ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਾ ਕੀ ਅਰਥ ਹੈ?)
ਬੇਚੈਨੀ ਨਾਲ
ਡਿਗਵਿਗੇ, ਢੇੰਗਾ,
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lankly's Usage Examples:
censored, had a twenty-second review which consisted of Korey Coleman staring blankly into the camera before uttering, "Fuck you" (which is the lowest rating.
portraiture, by depicting the subject as a large, hulking figure who stares blankly across the image, rather than towards the viewer.
" The sculpture featured a young woman gazing blankly ahead as she stands on the end of a diving board.
Lincoln"s facial features to appear flattened—making him appear to stare blankly, rather than wear a dignified expression—and highlighted his shins.
Upon becoming acquainted with Chameleon, the wife of Bink and mother of Prince Dor, she is led to find King Trent, only to discover that he has been ensorcelled, staring blankly into space.
I daresay that she has blankly enjoyed posing the same penetrating questions to her husband that she has.
seven-minute video of President Bush holding Reading Mastery while "staring blankly into space" as the most memorable bit in Fahrenheit 9/11; the film presents.
around in gloomy places looking blankly and silently into space, music blares forth from empty darkness, and odd characters turn up and disappear.
depicts the adolescent Pyle looking blankly ahead—or instead pensively and longingly—with a butterfly landing on his shirt.
House lies awake in his hospital bed, staring blankly into space with a sleeping Cuddy holding his hand.
The video concludes with the man staring blankly at his acceptance letter.
as fun to watch as videotaped footage of terrified real-life hostages blankly reiterating their captors" demands.
Dor, she is led to find King Trent, only to discover that he has been ensorcelled, staring blankly into space.