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wrongful Meaning in marathi ( wrongful शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

चुकीचे, अयोग्य, बास्टर्ड, कुकर्म, अन्यायकारक, अवैध, बेकायदेशीर,


अयोग्य, बास्टर्ड, अन्यायकारक, कुकर्म,

wrongful मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

समाजातील चुकीच्या, कालबाह्य प्रथा, अंधश्रद्धा, भोळ्या समजुती, अनिष्ट रूढी, अन्यायकारक परंपरा, अज्ञान, दुर्गुण, दोष, बुवाबाजी, गंडेदोर, अंगारा धुपार व जातीभेद वर्णव्यवस्था दूर करण्यासाठी त्यांनी आपले उभे आयुष्य वेचले.

दापोली तालुक्यात कुळ कायद्याने अन्यायकारक खोती पद्धत संपवली.

मनुस्मृती मध्ये अस्पृश्य, शूद्र व स्त्रियांबद्दल अन्यायकारक काही कायदे/श्लोक सुद्धा आहेत.

पण सूडभावनेने कोणाला शिक्षा करविणे हा त्यांचा हेतू नव्हता तर अन्यायकारक व्यवस्था बदलवणे हा त्यांचा हेतू होता.

राजांविषयी आदर राखुन मी सांगूतो की या ने अन्यायकारक सामाजिक बिघाड झाला आहे.

गव्हर्नर जनरल यांना अनेक तुरळक निर्णय घ्यावे लागले जे ज्याच्या बाजूने नव्हते त्यास अन्यायकारक वाटले.

मात्र, अकादमीने फक्त अरबी सिंधीतील पुस्तकांनाच पुरस्कार देण्याचा अन्यायकारक निर्णय घेतला आहे, असा आरोपही प्रा.

सतीप्रथा, हुंडाप्रथा, बालविवाह यासारख्या अनेक अन्यायकारक चालीरीतिनी लाखो स्त्रियांचे अवघे आयुष्यच करपून टाकले.

कोकणामध्ये अन्यायकारक खोती पद्धतीविरोधात त्यांनी शेतकऱ्यांना एकत्र केले.

४) गणाचार : स्वतःच्या धर्माच्या रक्षणासाठी लढा देणे, समाजातील दृष्ट आणि अन्यायकारक प्रवृत्तींविरुद्ध उभे राहणे.

व्यक्तिस्वातंत्र्य, बुद्धिवाद, भौतिकता या मूल्यांचा प्रचार त्यांनी सुधारकमधून केला, तसेच जातिव्यवस्था, चातुर्वर्ण्य, बालविवाह, ग्रंथप्रामाण्य- धर्मप्रामाण्य, केशवपन इत्यादी अन्यायकारक परंपरांना त्यांनी विरोध केला.

या अन्यायकारक निर्णयाविरोधात न्याय मागण्यासाठी महाराष्ट्रात संयुक्त महाराष्ट्र चळवळ उभी राहिली.

निबंधमालेतील निबंधांतून त्यांनी तत्कालीन ब्रिटिश सत्तेच्या अन्यायकारक धोरणांविरुद्ध टीकात्मक लिखाण, तसेच साहित्यिक लिखाणही लिहिले.

wrongful's Usage Examples:

A miscarriage of justice, also known as a wrongful conviction, occurs when a person is convicted and punished for a crime that he or she did not actually.

Walker"s father and daughter filed separate wrongful death lawsuits against Porsche, which resulted.

Chain Gang is a 1932 American pre-Code crime-drama film directed by Mervyn LeRoy and starring Paul Muni as a wrongfully convicted convict on a chain gang.

Supported by the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Association of University Professors, among others, Keeney brought a wrongful dismissal suit and, in 1939, the Montana Supreme Court ruled in his favor and mandated reinstatement.

Sonia Gandhi celebrated:However, the case was not dead; two charges – cheating, and causing wrongful loss to the Government, continue in the courts.

false imprisonment claim may be made based upon private acts, or upon wrongful governmental detention.

After a year-long investigation, Binnie concluded in September 2012 that on the balance of probabilities Bain was innocent of the murders in 1994 and should be paid compensation for wrongful conviction and imprisonment.

Misconduct is wrongful, improper, or unlawful conduct motivated by premeditated or intentional purpose or by obstinate indifference to the consequences.

In September 2016, Bland"s mother settled a wrongful death lawsuit against the county jail and police department for "1.

criminal liability should be required for the elements central to the wrongfulness of the act, and that strict liability should apply to the other elements.

fact-based inquiries, while causation is part-factual and part-normative, and wrongfulness and fault are entirely normative: that is, value-based, in that they.

AG"E was found to be behind fake telegrams estimated to have reach 250,000 in number that had been wrongfully impersonating citizens who had no knowledge that their names had been attached to telegrams.

Richard’s real name is Marcus Andrews, a former forensics expert, who was convicted after Rhyme wrote an article accusing him of planting evidence resulting in the wrongful imprisonment of six innocent people, one of whom hanged himself.


unlawful, illegitimate,


unlawfulness, authorized, legitimate,

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