writing arm Meaning in marathi ( writing arm शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
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writing arm's Usage Examples:
“Schinkel” upholstered armchair (Krankenstuhl) with writing arm, Hohenzollern Collection, Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin.
also did not have any libraries (and consequently no library books), writing arm chairs or desks, and no science equipment.
as either an ironic coincidence or a direct consequence of losing his writing arm.
when Mr Bagthorpe is goaded into attempting a headstand, breaking his writing arm in the process.
pistol, .22, rifle, piece, repeating firearm, side arm, shotgun, sights, autoloader, muzzle loader, shooting iron, handgun, twenty-two, gun, scattergun, smoothbore, riot gun, self-loader, lock, firearm, firing pin, repeater,
disassemble, disjoin, black, white, break,