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write down Meaning in marathi ( write down शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

टॅप करा, नोंदणी करायला, तुकडे, लिहा,

write down मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जुन्या रजिस्टर पद्धतीचा अवलंब केल्यामुळे त्यात प्रत्येक पुस्तकाचे नाव नोंदणी क्रमांक लिहावे लागत व वाचकाची सही घेतली जात असे.

म्हणून शीर्षक प्रतिसाद/निरोप लिहायच्या जागेत सर्वांत वर अथवा खाली टंकित करा.

कारण चरित्र लिहायचें आहे.

अशा माध्यमातून विकसित होत गेली आणि मक्त्याऐवजी रचनेखाली आपले नाव लिहायला किंवा साक्षरी करायला सुरुवात झाली.

उदाहरणार्थ: 'हंसणे, धांवणे, जेव्हां, कोठें, कधीं, कांही' हे शब्द 'हसणे, धावणे, जेव्हा, कोठे, कधी, काही' असे लिहावेत.

तिचे आकडे वाढत्या आणि उतरत्या क्रमाने लिहा.

आपल्याला ज्या प्रकारची भूमिका करावयाची आहे, त्याप्रकारची भूमिका असलेले नाटक कुणीतरी लिहावे आणि आपण ती भूमिका सर्व ताकदीनुसार दमदारपणे रंगमंचावर सादर करावी असे त्यांना वाटे.

'इत्यादी' व 'ही' हे शब्द दीर्घांन्त लिहावेत .

संस्कृत शब्द याच्ञा, आणि पालीमधले असंख्य शब्द लिहिताना नासिक्य वर्णच लिहावा लागतो.

परंतु ही भाषा लिहायला व वाचायला अत्यंत क्लिष्ट असते, व यामुळे मोठ्या प्रमाणावर ही भाषा वापरण्यास अनेक मर्यादा येतात.

काही काळानंतर त्यांनी सकाळमध्ये चित्रपट परीक्षणे लिहायला सुरुवात केली.

पुढे पुढे महात्मा फुले यांच्या विचारांचा धागा पकडून नवीन जलसे लिहायला सुरुवात झाली.

write down's Usage Examples:

Belarusian orthography is constructed on the phonetic principle ("you write down what you hear") and is mainly based on the Belarusian folk dialects of.

In December 2018, Verizon announced it would write down the combined value of its purchases of AOL and Yahoo! by "4.

Sweden"s government assumed bad bank debts, but banks had to write down losses and issue an ownership interest (common stock) to the government.

By the end of the 18th century, the first attempt to systematize and write down the body of Prostopinije melodies was undertaken by cantor.

For believers who are students, they often write down their name and wishes on a praying paper, and stick it onto a board called Jinbang timing board (金榜題名板) to pray for better academic achievements.

later had to write down by "2.

He also tells them that if both write down the same number.

so that listeners could write down their favorite programs; a bridge score card; a photo of the Ipana Troubadors, the program’s resident musicians; a.

Consequently, the Lagrangian of CDT is constrained by the initial assumptions to the extent that it can be written down explicitly and analyzed (see, for example, hep-th/0505154, page 5), whereas there is more freedom in how one might write down an action for causal-set theory.

The lighthearted tale is full of puns, including a running gag in which Flotsam, eager to chronicle the adventure, tries to write down everything Stones says but mishears it all as something similar-sounding; for example, rattan-festooned is written down as rat-infested.

Facing the problem that innumerate mothers could not write down the weights of their children, he devised.

Depreciation is thus the decrease in the value of assets and the method used to reallocate, or "write down" the cost of a tangible asset (such as equipment) over.

English-speaking Morse code operator heard the message, what they would write down is SKATS.


dash off, take down, dash down, transcribe, put down, write, note, notate, set down, get down,


humanize, clock out, punch out, stand, sit,

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