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worried Meaning in marathi ( worried शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

काळजीत, अधीर, उन्माना, व्याकुळ, अस्वस्थ, उत्क, व्यस्त, अंदाजे, उत्तेजित, काळजी वाटते, विचारशील, संबंधित, काळजी वाटली, त्रासदायक,


अधीर, उन्माना, व्याकुळ, अस्वस्थ, व्यस्त, उत्क, अंदाजे, उत्तेजित, काळजी वाटते, विचारशील, संबंधित, काळजी वाटली, त्रासदायक,

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worried मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

हृदय कल्पना व मनाला व्याकुळ करणारी प्रवाही कथा येथे भावकवितेचे रूप घेते.

कसकस, अस्वस्थता व व्याकुळता, अंगदुखी, डोकेदुखी, थंडी वाजणे यांबरोबरच ताप ३९०.

व्याकुळ होण्याने किंवा रडण्यामुळेश्वसनाच्या आवाजाची (स्ट्राइडर) तीव्रता वाढते, आणि जर का श्वसनाचा आवाज (स्ट्राइडर) आरामदायक अवस्थेत पण ऐकु येत असेल तर ते हवेच्या मार्गाचे चिंताजनक संकुचणे दर्शविते.

माती मात्र व्याकुळच तिची कधीच भागत नाही तहान.

मूळची अतिसंवेदनशीलता, वाङ्‌मयनिर्मितीतून येणारा प्रचंड ताण आणि दुसऱ्या महायुद्धाच्या भयंकर अनुभवाने आलेली व्याकुळता ह्यांचा एकत्रित परिणाम होऊन रॉडमेल येथे तिने आत्महत्या केली.

वंदना - जुन्या जमान्यातील प्रेमासाठी असीम त्याग करणाऱ्यांच्या, विरहाने व्याकुळणाऱ्यांच्या सोळा कथांचा संग्रह.

व्याकुळता हीच त्यांच्या कथांचा गाभा आणि सौंदर्य ठरले आहे तर 'भूप' या पहिल्याच वेचक दीर्घकथांच्या संग्रहात लेखिकेने नातेसंबंधांचा विविध अंगांनी वेध घेतला आहे.

पत्‍नीविरहामुळे व्याकुळलेल्या एका यक्षाने स्वतःच्या पत्‍नीला मेघाबरोबर पाठवलेला संदेशाच्या कल्पनेवर मेघदूत आधारले आहे.

या खंडकाव्याची कल्पना कालिदासांनी अशी रचली आहे, की रामगिरीतील शापित यक्षाची पत्नी अलका ही विरहाने व्याकुळ झालेली आहे.

आरती म्हणजे आर्तता, व्याकुळता, वेदना, तळमळ, दु:ख व्यक्त करणे, आत्मनिवेदन करणे, वगैरे.

तेथील कृष्णमंदिरात जाऊन ते नित्य ध्यान करीत आणि व्याकुळ होऊन अश्रू ढाळीत.

पदरातुन नभ व्याकुळते.

worried's Usage Examples:

Deeply worried, the two parties compare their findings, which all point to a single grim fact—Nettlebrand is hunting the Dragons who live in the Rim of Heaven, and expects Firedrake to find them for him.

InvasionThe Psions were among the many alien races that took part in invading Earth after the Dominators became worried about humanity's ability to produce super-powered individuals.

In contrast to his stance on the minke whale quota, Flannery has expressed relief over the dumping of the quota of the rarer [whale], and further was worried how whales were slaughtered, wishing them to be killed as humanely as possible.

He had initially worried that the producers would replace him as well, given that the producers believed his voice had gone down an octave.

"Les 400 salariés d"Ibiden inquiets pour leur avenir à Courtenay" [400 Ibiden employees worried about their.

On 17 July, Berchtold complained to of the German Embassy that though he thought his ultimatum would probably be rejected, he was still worried that it was possible for the Serbs to accept it, and wanted more time to re-phrase the document.

What’s more, Cixi was informed that the reformists were trying to engage Itō Hirobumi (伊藤博文,a Japanese politician and reformist who was touring in China then) as a government consultant even provide him with a certain amount of power, which worried her significantly about invulnerability of the Dynasty.

A small child, surrounded by hurrying, worried people, thinking "Is that what being grown up is like?"" The play.

Thompson went as far as to draw a mustache on his upper lip using an eyebrow pencil "because the club owners were worried about me playing there".

She also said she worried about the state budget: We do have a history of overspending in Ohio.

Fans currently call him "Despreocupado" (unworried, carefree) because of his negligent attitude before, during and after.

Conrad continued to push for war but worried what attitude Germany would take; Berchtold replied that he planned to inquire of Germany what its position was.

which a person is excessively and unduly worried about having a serious illness.


troubled, distressed, disquieted, disturbed, upset,


well, unturned, organized, calm, untroubled,

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