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work force Meaning in marathi ( work force शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कार्यशक्ती, कोणत्याही उद्योगातील कामगार,



work force मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सोलापूर जिल्ह्यातील गावे हस्त मुद्रा म्हणजे आपल्या दोन्ही हातांच्या विविध अवस्था होय.

या खासगी बससेवेचे थांबे ठाणे स्थानकाच्या दोन्ही बाजूला आहेत.

या दोन्ही कारणाने हा गोवंश दुहेरी हेतूचा म्हणून ओळखला जातो.

हा करार दोन्ही देशांमध्ये लष्करी मदतीसाठी केला गेला, ज्यामुळे रशिया व जर्मनीला धोकानिर्माण झाला.

मात्र या प्रयत्नांना यश येण्याऐवजी दोन्ही पक्षांमधील मतभेद तीव्र झाले.

व दुसरे चित्र हिस्ट्री म्युझियम मराठवाडा विद्यापीठ येथे आहे ती दोन्हीही चित्रे प्राणी प्रेमाची साक्ष देतात.

यानंतर विफल होऊन, राज्यत्याग करून पांडू आपल्या दोन्ही पत्नींसह वनवासात राहू लागला.

पानाच्या मध्यशिरेच्या दोन्ही बाजूंना पर्णिकांच्या जोड्या असतात मात्र टोकाला पर्णिका नसते.

आषाढी आणि कातिर्की दोन्ही वार्‍या करणारी जैतुनबींची दिंडी सासवडपासून वारीसाठी प्रस्थान ठेवत असे.

दोन्ही पायदुमडून नितंबाजवळ आणतात.

नाडकर्णी यांचा गझल आणि रुबाई या दोन्ही काव्यप्रकारांचा मुळातून अभ्यास होता.

नाटक आणि सिनेमा या दोन्ही क्षेत्रात निळूभाऊंनी स्वतःचा ठसा उमटवला .

चंद्र यात असे गृहित धरले गेले आहे की थीआने प्रोटो-पृथ्वीवर थेट प्रहार केला असता तर दोन्ही ग्रहांचा नाश झाला असता आणि शुक्र व मंगळाच्या कक्षा दरम्यान एक अल्पकालीन दुसरा लघुग्रहांचा पट्टा तयार केला असता.

work force's Usage Examples:

there are increasing numbers of young, qualified people entering the work force.

and grapes kept the rural work force at an unsatisfactory level of productivity.

period, but the sector was still the largest employer (about 50% of the work force) by the end of World War II.

There he was visited by members of his work force, not only his engineers and agents, but also his navvies, many of whom had walked for days to come and pay their respects.

Although this report was used by the Molesworth Committee on transportation in 1837–38, the criticism of this work forced Franklin to dismiss him.

He took various measures to improve the conditions of his work force.

On this day, eight million Spaniards did not go to work, which accounted for 90% of the total work force in Spain.

Together with the directors" groups, 23 independent research groups led by untenured principal investigators and about 21 facilities make up the work force.

Part of the rationale was to maintain a stable work force that came to accumulate a volume of experience with the test facilities that were to be built.

Sergeant Smith and Private Fairclough were detailed to plant their explosives amongst the machinery in the power house and the other commandos located the area where the Norwegian work force worked and slept.

Dunlap quickly announced that he would lay off half of Sunbeam-Oster’s work force among other measures.

One of the government's early decisions concerning the center was to employ a primarily contractor work force.

a child entering the work force was seven, down from eight in 1994.


turn up the pressure, act, pressure, steamroller, terrorise, drive, compel, obligate, sandbag, move, coerce, bring oneself, bludgeon, hale, dragoon, oblige, squeeze, railroad, terrorize, turn up the heat, squeeze for, steamroll,


refrain, ride, linger, precede, descend,

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